What on earth is Dave doing putting up with Crispin Jeremy Rupert Blunt? Why does Kenneth Clarke put up with such a tosser?
Are they afraid of upsetting the gay community?
And how the fuckety fucking fuck does it happen that criminals locked up in their secure five star hotels get such a cushy time? I don't get five fucking choices at dinner, I get what SWMBO has fucking cooked.
What happened to prison as a deterrent and a punishment?
The Penguin
How many pensioners, who've worked all their lives, paid their dues & kept out of trouble with the Law (like my 82 yr old Mum for example) get FIVE choices of meal a day ?
Not bloody many, I'll bet ..
And they say crime doesn't pay ?
The berks who run this country make me puke ..
Why doesn't this perverted wanker just do a George Michael and get to live out his prison fantasy. Apparently GM couldn't wait. more drugs and cock than Old Compton STreet 24/7.
This fuckwit would need an unused Andrex double ply cushioned roll up there after a week.
"This fuckwit would need an unused Andrex double ply cushioned roll up there after a week" ...
Or one of those fuck-off big draught excluders advertised in the Sunday supplements ..
At least with that preventing his arse from prolapsing .. it would also shut him up, since he mostly talks out of it too ..
I know a few pensioners. I'm one myself. Yes, I have a choice of meals a day. I've a cupboard full of tinned food which is convenient and pasta and fish is regularly part of the diet.
Fortunately I'm perfectly able to cook for myself but there are others, in some residential homes, who exist on a 'take it or leave it' basis. So many homes I used to have to visit during the course of work would have the choice of a hot dish or a sandwich. That was it.
Most of my pensioner friends eat well but some find, if they now live alone, it's not worth the effort. That's when the trouble starts.
Then there's the subject of utility costs. Nowadays I only use my dishwasher when I have guests and the washing machine is reduced to once a week. It's scary the cost of basic living and how it can dig deep into small savings.
Yep .. I'm familiar with all of that Rosie ..
I'm a pensioner too (though not yet an OAP).. I live alone, so can appreciate just what you're saying ..
Meanwhile, the criminal, the idle, the feckless & the fecund live the life of bloody Riley ..
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