Gordon Brown, The Unelected Prime Mentalist, Saviour Of The World, the Iron Chancellor who did away with Boom and Bust, stated back in 1996 that National Insurance was "a tax on ordinary families".
Now as his loyal lieutenants Mandelweasel and the Badger take the flak from all sides over the increase in National Insurance Jonah does his McCavity impression.
He's probably busy writing another chapter to add to the re-issue of his book on "Courage". Other people's, obviously.
The Penguin
I seriously doubt that the twat writes his own books anyway ..
My deeply held suspicion is that he's as bad with letters as he is with numbers ..
There's probably some spotty-faced, Nokia-battered, Labour-loving teenager chained up in the bowels of The Bunker .. who has to translate McSnot's rantings into coherent words ..
He lied!
Broon looks like he's been taking grinning lessons from Dubya.
Doesn't matter whether he's grinning or gurning, I still have to cover any picture I see of him to avoid being sick....
He also said back in 1997 that he wouldn't let house pries get out of control.
The man is a cunt. I hope he dies a horrible and painful death.
Whenever I see a picture like that, I think of the words 'Spotaway.' The name of the cleaning company that would magic away just about any type of stain, including him.
"Snotaway" would be a good alternative...
Why have you illustrated this article with a shot from Alice in Wonderland?
Why Shouldn't families pay tax?
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