Go on, you know you want to....
The Penguin
Letting off steam. You don't have to like it or agree with it, it is written for my benefit and no one else's. Feel free to add comments if you choose. There will be no moderation. If you choose to post personal attacks, I may well leave them there, so that the bile can fester in the sunshine of my approval, as I regard it from the vantage point of the moral highground.
"Let's hope the cunt doesn't fart today!"
Since stench rises, we are safer down here, buddy.
"Shake his hand"? "The blind cunt will never spot us crouched down here".
I told you these doors were fucked, keep going straight ahead and you will find court number 1 on the right-hand side
We bow before you, O Mighty Mong, saviour of the world.
Get that strait jacket and syringe ready. He will soon be on the ward. He thinks he's going to a press conference.
That's such a "target rich environment", that there's just no sport in it ...
Rather like shooting a wounded duck, in fact ...
Fuck it, I can't resist ...
"Great Gordon, we kneel at your feet, to make it even easier to piss all over us, than over the rest of the UK" ...
"I know the two slappers are .. but d'you reckon he's wearing stockings again" ??
"Do you smell cunt?"
"You bet - and it's wearing trousers!"
Two Labour arselickers get bored so decide to play " Does the carpet match the curtains"
"Please God, make her keep her shoes on!"
'The Delusional One thinks this is as it should be, his subjects on the floor before Him'.
F*** me, is he really so thick that he can't even get through a door by himself? And this is the person we're being asked to vote in to lead the country on May 6th? Don't think so!
BTW, someone should advise Sarah not to wear dark stockings (presumably to disguise her rather thick legs?)with light coloured shoes
"This is the padded cell you will be confined to after the election"
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