Make Your Own Charcoal!
Or "What I Did At The Week End" by Flightless Bird, aged 13 and a half....(I wish!)
I drank a lot of good beer at £2 a pint and got ever so slightly sunburnt playing and learning stuff in a 96 acre playground. Stuff like bashing red-hot metal into useful things like a poker, how to link metal rings together to make maille, and how to safely load and fire a variety of black-powder weapons...
More photos at http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=27035664318
The Penguin
"......... learning stuff ....... like bashing red-hot metal into useful things like a poker....."
With your contempt for Mr Broon, you wouldn't be considering replicating the method of execution of Edward II would you?
Too good for him!!
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