Lord Mandelweasel has never run a business of any sort in his life, which makes him supremely well-qualified to dictate to the folk who do actually run businesses. Especially when it comes to deception, where Mandy is quite the expert.
However, I think milord Mandelweasel has surpassed himself in criticising business leaders as being "deceived" in supporting the Conservative position over the ludicrous and damaging rise in NI contributions, which is an obvious tax on jobs and has been declared to be such by NuLiebore supporters and hangers-on.
Interesting that he has no supporter for his position in the world of business except the recently enobled Baron Sugar of GreyStubble....
The Penguin
There was something in the news just recently about Mandelbasket's Business, Innovation and Skills thingummy having millions of debts written off. But I canna find it now in the MSM. What a surprise. Probably buried under 6 feet of spin to keep it hidden.
There are thieves, liars and those who skilfully deceive but for Mandelscum to come out with that statement is like a naughty five year old trying to lie to his mother. I was gobsmacked at just how stupid he has become and now so like the rest of Brown's low life gang of thugs who radiate ignorance like exploding stars.
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