Archbishop of Canterbury Rowan Williams.
Pathetic Cunt.
The Penguin
Letting off steam. You don't have to like it or agree with it, it is written for my benefit and no one else's. Feel free to add comments if you choose. There will be no moderation. If you choose to post personal attacks, I may well leave them there, so that the bile can fester in the sunshine of my approval, as I regard it from the vantage point of the moral highground.
I see he has managed to get Michael Nazir-Ali the bishop of Rochester to leave early. Can't have anyone cvriticising thwe new muslim overlords after all!
For an all powerful, all knowing deity, god's pretty fucking useless isn't he?
Dear Rowan take your sky-pixy and shove him up your arse, with a man-made global warming con trick chaser you delusional cunt.
And the same goes for Chaza, the 'scientist' with what knowledge?
These morons need to spend less time with their yes men brown nosers - try the real world, for a change
I usually leave Christians alone since I owe them much of my cultural heritage but in this case; Dear Rowan, the reason that god will not intevene is because he doesn't exist you sad deluded old cunt but, if he did, he'd be a cunt too because of all the shit he lets happen.
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