Good News! Poor chap in Austria in a stressful situation has been offered counselling to help him get through it.
Bad News!! Seems they've decided to appoint Dolly Dripper.
The Penguin
Letting off steam. You don't have to like it or agree with it, it is written for my benefit and no one else's. Feel free to add comments if you choose. There will be no moderation. If you choose to post personal attacks, I may well leave them there, so that the bile can fester in the sunshine of my approval, as I regard it from the vantage point of the moral highground.
I'm just a Right-Wing scumbag.
Why are you so obsessed with this Draper?
Me, I'd look to castrate anyone who interfered with my God-given right as a member of his Island's indigenous population to liberty and justice for all.
Fucking penguins. You're all non-white immigrants.
Less of the personal abuse, if you don't mind.
And how are you proposing to castrate Harriet Harman?
Fuck off right wing scumbag we know you are a cunt there is no need to prove it.
I'm just a Right-Wing scumbag.
Anon, 13:40. I know you're a raghead. Fucking queer.
Right Wing scumbag
Why is your IP address the same as Derek Drapers?
I'm just an left wing arsehole posting shite all day long.
Tra Laa!
I just don't get it. You're all so fucking obsessed with that bloke who's married to the TV presenter who smoked when she was pregnant.
Fuck him. Me? I'd fucking lock anyone up who was trolling for another political party. Like the cunts who blog on that pissed-up-driver, scared-of-Michael-White-and-Jezza-Paxman bed-wetter Guido's blog - or the Guardian's website, telling our PM to fuck off.
Fucking lefty papers and Irish cowards. I'd hang 'em all.
I'm just a Right-Wing scumbag.
Fuck off Dolly.
Left Wing Scumbag
Got planning permission for that loft room yet Dolly?
Who the fuck is Dolly?
He sounds like a right fucking queer. Hang him - dirty queers, breaking God's law. Me? I'd string up anyone who wasn't white, straight and a fox-hunting, thin, blonde haired, blue eyed, card-carrying member of the Tory party wife-beater.
God Save the Queen. I love my fucking country I do. Apart from everything I fucking hate in it. Like the Welsh.
I'm just a Right-Wing scumbag.
Oh for fucks sake give it a rest Dolly.
We can spot your insane rambling anywhere.
Shouldnt you call yourself left wing retard or are you trying to be ironic.
Wheres inquisition today ?
Penguine you just get better!
Again, fucking Dolly?
You're all obviously Queer teenage retards, seeing this bearded mug's face everywhere.
Me, I'd round up everyone who didn't read the Mail and the Star and feed them their own hands. Fucking lefties. I had a bloke in the back of my cab once, he fucking took all 6 inches of it he did.
God bless the Queen Mother. Stood by us in the Blitz she did. Look at what she left us. I fucking love this country. Apart from anything that's changed at all since the '50's. Like the fucking immigrants. Flooding everywhere, bringing their delicious food and beautiful women,
I'm just a Right-Wing scumbag.
An infestation of one.
Ahh, I struck home...today is a good day!
The comment is on Obos, even he called it "a bit harsh", which I will take as a compliment.
You haven't got much of a mind dolly, but what there is belongs to me.
Oh, Righwinggit, so you think the outbreak of Right-Wing scumbag is Dolly Dripper's attempt to get even for your post at Obo's?
You could well be right, as well as right wing.
He does seem nearly as delusional as "Cuse" on the Police Priorities thread, where it has been declared Game Over at Penguin 5 and "Cuse" 0
This was in the interests of fairness, as poor "Cuse" has a handicap.
I know who you are. I know where you live. I know what you wank about. Fucking queer.
Me? I'd fucking hang anyone who didn't agree with me about anything. Or if they were black. Or aligned to a political or religious group that I didn't agree with. Or the same colour as the fucking nutjobs who protested against our lads coming back from Iraq. Or if I thought they looked them even just a little bit. The nutjobs that is. Or if I wanted to just take out my repressed rage on people who were different from me.
I'm buying my transit now to fucking take out anyone who might be a muslim. Or moslem. Or paki raghead.
I'm just a Right-wing scumbag.
I love a well reasoned debate!
Penguin 5 Cuse 0.
Declared as in "Now I'm deleting comments because I can".
Fucking mug
Here he is again!
Poor "Cuse", it must be so frustrating for you, with your Paul Staines obsession, and the acne, not to mention the inferiority complex and the personal hygiene issues.
If you want to be in charge, publish your own blog.
"If you want to be in charge, publish your own blog"...
"I'm taking my ball home now because you can do more keepy ups than me"...
I love this site. You've made the acne reference a few times now. It's the insult that just keeps on giving, isn't it Penguin?
You're so fucking deluded. Staine's obsession? I'm not the mug who posts references on his site to my site so I can attract his fucking jerking-circle over to my place now am I? Deluded? How about the fucking Dolly Draper obsession you have - you cock.
Where was your blog after his Newsnight interview? You know - the one where he's made to look like the fucking imbecile he is? You can catch it on YouTube Penguin - if you're not too busy reading the Sport.
Fucking mug.
Umm... dunno what to say, just felt I had to say something!
Fuck off Nesbitt. You're not British. You're Scottish.
Me, I'd fucking cut Scotland off from the Union and watch you float into the sea. You're fucking foreign and I fucking hate foreigners me. Why? The Mail tells me to.
I'm just a Right-Wing scumbag
Poor "Cuse",
I bet hardly a day went past at school when your head wasn't shoved down the toilet. It's obviously left you with issues that you need to work through.
Only, could you fuck off somewhere else to do it, as you are interrupting the grown ups, who have important things to discuss and don't wish to be bothered with you.
Don't slam the door on your way out, there's a good boy.
That's me told then!
Oh, is it still here?
"I know who you are"
If you did, brown water would spurt from your no doubt malformed anus.
"I know where you live."
No, you don't, and if you did, I would sleep soundly...want me to find you? I used to do it for a living.
"I know what you wank about. Fucking queer."
Fail.. I'm straight, and pleasuring is womens work.
"Me? I'd fucking hang anyone who didn't agree with me about anything. Or if they were black. Or aligned to a political or religious group that I didn't agree with. Or the same colour as the fucking nutjobs who protested against our lads coming back from Iraq. Or if I thought they looked them even just a little bit. The nutjobs that is. Or if I wanted to just take out my repressed rage on people who were different from me.
I'm buying my transit now to fucking take out anyone who might be a muslim. Or moslem. Or paki raghead."
Your point being......?
(note for the hard of thinking..the last riposte was humorous).
Mmmmmmm, that smell of napalm!
Uh Huh.
My point being that I'm not thinking about fucking Draper or killing moslems, like the rest of the nonces on this fucking site.
No surrender to the IRA.
Me, I fucking hate fucking everything and everything I do. And I like bragging about my comments on shite right-wing blogs me.
Errr, didn't you forget something?
What time do you knock off today Right Scumbag?
Funny how you have infested a post about wanker draper yet you make out you know nothing about him.
You must be insane if you are defending Draper without being paid.
I am clocking off today at 5.00pm . Derek and me are then going for a drink down the Pink Coconut gay bar.Derek likes to take me down there and ply me with drinks.
I dont know what the drinks are but I always wake up with a hangover and a sore arse.
We are just good friends and the fact that he calls me gimp has no
relevance at all.
Tra Laa!
scumbag is a wanker...
Draper? Defend the cunt? He's a lefty bearded cunt. Why would I defend that twat? Why would I spend any of my time (devoted to the Queen Mum, God Love her) even thinking about that cock, never mind seeing him behind every fucking post on every fucking Right-wing blog that dares to oppose my God-given libertarian world-view?
Me, I'd fucking tear apart anyone who wasn't white and Indigenous and English who dared to mock the Queen or her establishments. You couldn't make it up what those fucking foreigners are doing to our hallowed English soil.
God Save the Queen. No surrender. Up the Hammers. Dave Cameron for President. Blair is a cunt for making money now he's left office. William Hague though, God love him, he makes thousands from speeches, but he's a fucking diamond he is.
I'm just a Right-Wing scumbag.
Right scumbag, 16:38.
Don't even start me on those queers.
Me, I'd take down all of their trousers, stare at their arses and fuck them daft. Fuck their horrible, round, cute little boy arses.
Dirty queers. that'll teach 'em.
I had one of them in the back of my cab once. Told me he was queer. He wasn't so smug after he'd sucked my cock. Unnatural it is. Queering people up. Disgusting.
Don't you Tra-Laa me, you bumboy. Spreading diseases.
I'm just a Right-Wing scumbag.
Isn't this exciting? All these shouting Right-Wing anonytypes getting cross?
Fight! Fight! Fight!!
I'll hold your coats (and go through the pockets, naturally)
Someone hold right retard down and I will kick him in the nuts.
It is you isn't it? so Right Wing Scumbag is your new persona. Do you still use Dirty European Socialist and Picto Viking? You have a very obvious style and message DES.
You don't have the cojones, Swing.
Me, I'd fucking bang up anyone who publically criticised Margaret Thatcher. She was fucking marvellous she was.
I once had in the back of my cab. Fucking hat-stand. Couldn't fucking tell the difference between my arse and the Bobsy Twins.
Not just obvious, monotonous!
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