Friday 9 December 2011

Ugly Looking Woman Of The Week

Arbeit macht frei, anyone?

The Penguin


NewsboyCap said...


Du bist ein shlaparsh

Oldrightie said...

NewsboyCap, I assume you mean transplanted?

F***W*T TW****R said...

Granted she's a pug ugly bint but have had a look on Sharon Bowles Wiki entry?

Conkord said...

Cover the hair leaving just the face, by adding the tash you are so near the mark it's worrying.

Captain Haddock said...

Ahh .. Frau Doktor Angela Mengele .. ;)

The Travelling Toper said...

Check an old photo. The eyes are those of the Fuehrer.

Dioclese said...

We will fight them on the beaches...

Brian Fingerton said...

A bit harsh, Penny.
She's never said she's pretty.
However, she did say that multiculturalism has failed in Germany.
Thatcher wasn't all that flash looking either, but she was a hell of a lot better PM than what the UK have had since.