Liberal Democrat MP Nick Harvey was a strong and passionate supporter of better treatment for those poor bastards irradiated by atomic bomb testing by the MOD.
Until he got his snout in the trough at the MOD, where upon he went native very quickly.
What a sad little hypocrite.
The Penguin
Well .. he is a politician & a LimpDum to boot .. what else would you expect RP ???
As the old saying goes .. "Cometh the hour, cometh the man" ..
'Power corrupts.........'. It would be good to publicise this bit of hypocrisy turncoatery to his constituents.
So he's a cunt. Whats fucking new.
Im sure as 'Biffo' says
'. It would be good to publicise this bit of hypocrisy turncoatery to his constituents.'
But they will forget or forgive and the same shite will be elected again cos the green liberal agenda is very forgetful.
Fashions fade, style is eternal.”
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