The spokesweasel for First Secretary and Foreign Secretary William Hague has denied that there is anything untoward in the special relationship between the high-flying politician and his newly appointed and under-qualified special advisor.
"There is no truth whatsoever in the scurrilous internet rumours being bandied about.
This is a simple matter of two like-minded souls bonded together by a shared interest in sunglasses and synchronised standing on one foot.
To suggest that there is any element of Brokeback Mountain or playing the pink oboe is ludicrous."
The Penguin
This is a simple matter of two like-minded souls bonded together by a shared interest in sunglasses and synchronised standing on one foot. Whilst messing with the lovely Ffion's brains and raping Joe Public with a no-job, fat wage.
You'll have Mrs Dale throwing another hissy fit!
That would make my day!
"What will people say, Mr. Rigsby?"
"Oh - onny swakky mally ponce, Miss Jones..."
I've told you before an Englishmans home is his castle and an Englishmans hole is open to all comers. You lot like nothing better than taking it up the Khyber. All these public schoolboys have been rodgered up the bumsy wumsy since they were fags and never lose the taste for the pink piccolo, you sound like you love it up your crack also. No wonder all these muslims are flocking to your overcrowded bum shagging nation, they love boy fun and Engerland is the land of the twee. Woopsi doo.
Yours sincerely Angus MacDreich of McDreich.
Hague went to grammar school Angus. This Englishman has always admired the pluck of the "men in skirts".
It seems there has been a parting of the ways, and according to Dale
"I am afraid that all of us who blog have been sullied by this experience"
I hope you're feeling sullied, Pengy...
Sullied? Not a bit of it - if these twats want to be "in the public domain" then they are fair targets to take the piss out of. And taking the taxpayers' dosh puts them right in the "public domain" in my view.
As for the mong from Scotlandshire, a small impoverished province where the national dish is a sheep's stomach filled with oats and unmentionables, you have my sympathy.
Ahhh .. "Bonnie Scotland" ..
The cradle of cross-dressing ...
Well they look like a couple of ponces in the photo - especially William Hague.
But surely this state educated, drank 10 pints a day, call spade a spade Yorkshireman can not be a shirt lifter.
It is unfortunate for Mr Hague he has had a few PR gaffs:
16 year old speach to Conservative Party - what a Tosser
Hague in baseball cap - what a Prat
Hague dress as a shirtlifter - what a ponce.
Still.....a thousand times better than the Millepede (Ughhhh)
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