In a target-rich environment, there's a clear winner.
Dave Hartnett, HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC) Permanent Secretary responsible for tax sees no need to apologise let alone resign over the shambles he presides over.
Not surprising, he felt the same way over losing 25 million taxpayers' details the other year.
A weapons-grade utter cunt.
The Penguin
UPDATED: Seems Boy George gave him a severe kicking, prompting an unctuous grovel. Hope they find they can make cost savings and get rid of the wanker. Appears his wife's a divorce lawyer, perfectly matched. It also transpires that this is the imbecile who as a lowly Tax Inspector wasted hundreds of thousands of pounds failing to convict dear old Ken Doddery of trousering cash rather than paying tax on it - just goes to show being a useless cunt doesn't stop you floating to the top in the civil service, like one of those unwanted "polystyrene" turds that just wont flush away.
Spot on pengy your quintessential English arsehole of which there are far to many fucking this countries decent honest taxpayers like what I am. To compare him to a cunt is being rather discourteous to the female pudenda for which I have great affection and have spent many happy hours buried deep in said organ. An arsehole has never had that appeal to me and is used by me for it’s primary function of excreting shit. Now you English arseholes would do well to rediscover that function and stop your perverted plundering of these valves for masturbation. We here in Scotland have our share of arseholes not the least of them being Brown and Blair, who are so ashamed of their Scottish heritage they talk like strangled chickens and allegedly take it up the shiter just to make them feel more English.
I have a feeling he may regret saying that. When demands for money start dropping on peoples doormats the pressure on him is going to rise considerably.
I predict he will either be forced to make a grovelling apology, or resign over it.
He said in the interview: ""We didn't get it wrong. This needs to be reconciled."
Candidate for Oxymoron of the year?
If Cameron Pinky really was for change he would sack this moron today and withhold and scrap their bonuses. Watch how fast this "Time for change" happens. Escargot, sliming backwards. Quite a trick that.
Certainly candidate for "moron" of the year Joe.
Simple. Sack him.
There are thousands of senior civil servants with no jobs at all, but being paid the full whack to sit on their butts and do ...well, you work it out.
I've written about it on my own blog. I'm going to write to my MP asking him to look into this. I hope other people will too.
In the meantime, let's get rid of this incompetent twat and replace him with another incompetent twat from the pool of incompetant twats sitting doing sod all in Whitehall.
After we have sacked a few, then it may occur to them that the reason that they get than big fat cheque every month is that they are supposed to do some work in return!
I am surprised Carlsberg have not snapped him up for teir next advertising campaign
Arrogant twat needs a lesson in humility..after all, we the fools paying this bastard's salary.
"or resign over it." - In which case he will get a hefty pay off, and gold plated pension...
No he's a serious runner for cunt of the year
When the heat's on, the U-turns begin.......
"Never apologise, never explain", cunt.
Well no one is going to dispute this nomination!
What a completely useless, incompetent, moronic piece of low life vermin.
When is Piggy Pickles going to start to sort these scum of the earth.
I hope the fine upstanding friend of the public that shoots him square between the eyes, also does not apologise....
I agree but I fear no-one will ever usurp King of cunts, Gordon CuntBrown, his lead is forever unassailable
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