Wednesday, 21 March 2012

What A Disgusting Organisation!

Surely the Roman Catholic Church is the most disgusting organisation in recorded history?

With a history including the genocide of the Cathars, the atrocities of the other Crusades, political intrigue and interference, the charming Inquisition, financial "irregularities", child sex abuse, and now it seems arranging to have young men who complained of being abused castrated as some sort of punishment - and all based on hijacking some perverse death cult involving a supposedly benevolent sky pixie with a major personality disorder?

The Penguin


Dioclese said...

It's amazing that just when you think that the Catholic Cchirch can't sink any lower then they will always surprise you.

Anonymous said...

I am no fan of the Vatican but morally they are miles higher than the UK police.

Anonymous said...

The 'RIP Troll' Rehill posts yet another of his deranged, psychotic rants about the police...

What would Anne-Marie Hackett say ?

Ed P said...

You forgot their collusion with the Nazis during WW2 to eliminate the Jews

Hacked Off said...

It wasn't an exhaustive list, I don't have that much fucking spare time.

Anonymous said...

Well then Ciaran next time you are getting burgled call a priest.

Bayesian said...

Lazy post; one nut cutting catholic does not a whole organisation taint. "He's a bastard, he's a catholic, therefore all Catholics are bastards". Elementary logic fail dear Penguin.

Anonymous said...

Ciaran Rehill actually quite likes being burgled, preferably from behind in the toilets next to the Botanical Gardens in Belfast....

Anonymous said...

Derek G Haslam, 9 Lynn Rd, Southery, Downham Market, PE38, 0HU, a nominal on the PNC. Race hate poster and member of the EDL. Details passed to Mossad, Al Qui'da and CIRA. Dead Man Walking.

Anonymous said...

"Details passed to Mossad, Al Qui'da and CIRA."

The voices in your head must be very loud indeed at times...

Anonymous said...

He isn't posting at 2am cunt!

Anonymous said...

Child prostitution inquiry: Six charged by Oxford police

That's odd - none of the six men charged appears to have a name, let alone a description, etc.

I'm guessing that if their names were Colin or Richard or Peter or Dave then the left-wing wankers at the BBC would have printed them.

You could be forgiven for thinking that the BBC are engaged in some sort of 'cover-up' or whitewash... or some sort of 'damage limitation exercise' on behalf of the multi-cultural 'project' ?