Monday 23 May 2011

Barry O'Bamah Returns Home In Triumph

Bejasus, aincha just so proud to be Oirish as long lost waif Barry O'Bamah comes home to little Moneygall, County Offaly?

Next on his "keeping away from the troubles at home" world tour is China. He's working on finding the family connection, bound to be one if he looks hard enough.

The Penguin


The Filthy Engineer said...

We get him next. Bugger

Fidel said...

I loved the way the car got stuck at the embassy gate :0)

B. Gorrah said...

Don't bloody encourage him! He'll be claiming British nationality next in view of having an English antecedent.

One comment I saw elsewhere was that it has been easier for him to prove his Irish ancestry (one grandad about 6 generations ago) than it has been to prove his American nationality.

But it does also show just how thick these tooth fairy worshipping leprechauns are.

Furor Teutonicus said...

XX B. Gorrah said...

Don't bloody encourage him! He'll be claiming British nationality next XX

WHAT? You mean the FBI will conjure him up ANOTHER dodgy photocopy of some birth certificate they found down the back of an old sofa in the Oxfam shop?

Captain Haddock said...

As I understand it, Barry O' Barmy hates the British, because of some alleged atrocity which we are supposed to have committed upon one of his Mau-Mau terrorist relatives ..

I'm hoping that because of this, whether its true or not, we might just escape being tainted ..

St Paul said...

Barry O'Barmy would have had 256 sixth-great grandfathers and, barring incest, an equal number of grandmothers. With 512 opportunities at making a link he must be a distant cousin of mine and able to claim heritage to any country on the planet.