Sir Sherard Cowper-Coles, Laughing All The Way To The Bank
Well. What a fucking surprise! The senior diplomat who was instrumental in getting Inspector Knacker to drop the corruption and bribery investigation and prosecution of BAE, those well-loved merchants of death, has been given a well-paid job (to add to his gold plated diamond-encrusted pension) by BAE.
Nothing to see here, officer, move along now - hold your nose if you like. Fucking rank stench of corruption will soon blow over, plenty more where that came from but the media will soon be distracted by a cross-eyed dog or Jordan's new tattoo.
The Penguin
Mate of Peado Pete Mandy, no doubt. Rapist of Cadbury's.
And the revolving door turns one more time.
I can but hope that they all eventually receive their just rewards in this life or the next. Thieving, fraudulent, duplicitous, immoral, unethical bastards.
Funny how the "comments" are disabled at the Guardian/Observer just when I want to say something really pithy...
Yes, I do lisp...
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