Well, who would have believed it?
That outstanding statesman and tower of moral turpitude, Saint Tony Bliar, turns out to have been only too willing to go down on his knees and suck Gaddafi's cock in the service of rich oil companies and bankers making even more money.
And all his little lickspittle minions were only too ready to do the same. As was Airmiles Andy. And then lie about it.
The Penguin
I disagree with your yawn, Penny. I find their exposure enormously entertaining if only on the grounds that it might well drive them insane to be found out what shite they really are. Thinking and believing they are excrement is one thing. To see it proven is another.
And now "Airmiles Andy" is so stressed out that he needs a good massage...
Sorry about the "downmarket" link, but I need a good laugh after reading the more depressing news.
I hope Mr Megrahi is still in good health. I'm sure he is, as he has the blessings of Saint Tony to sustain him
the 'leaders' of this country are scum..........they disgrace us every day.......
then they have the chhek to talk about 'being on the world stage' and other b/s......
turds one and all...
how they must laugh at us........
paying for it all!
"Surprise Surprise - Bliar Sucked Gaddafi's Cock"
I recall reading somewhere that a certain "Charles Lynton" is already known to Plod for such goings on in the past ..
wv = "bledr" .. how apposite ...
You'd think that the Hotel which employs this oik as a doorman would made the scruffy bastard shave & get a haircut .. wouldn't you ?
Is it just me, or does Gaddafi look a bit like Bob Dylan?
Does anything supprise us about this disgusting piece of filth !
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