The Penguin
Letting off steam. You don't have to like it or agree with it, it is written for my benefit and no one else's. Feel free to add comments if you choose. There will be no moderation. If you choose to post personal attacks, I may well leave them there, so that the bile can fester in the sunshine of my approval, as I regard it from the vantage point of the moral highground.
Beware the little man trying to be a big man...
Not one of your easier comps is it?
Which order would you do them in? Tha's the question you should have asked.
Loki, has to be only one!
I/we look down on him, because I/we have innate breeding.
I (another I) know my place.
(John Cleese, Ronnie Barker and Ronnie Corbett)
And where pray, are his six cheese-eating, surrender-monkey brothers then ?
He seems to be wearing built-up heels unless I am very much mistaken. What a bastard - as if Sarkozy isn't already short enough without Cameron rubbing his nose in it as well.
I've just looked at the photo again & I reckon you're onto something Caratacus ..
I've also realised where the other six dwarves are .. Sam Cam has 'em stuffed up her jumper ..
Whats wrong with a bit of wife swapping even if paid for by the state? Well of course if it was the wife of the previous incumbent Sara George I know you can't call'em thespians anymore how about women in sensible shoes then?
He may be a dwarf, but have you seen the size of his nose?
To compare French noses on froggy loudmouths, he was here to commemorate another Frenchman with a big nose, Chas. De Gaulle, who was at least as tall as Sarkyheim is short!
De Gaulle .. another "run-away to somewhere safe, till the the shooting stops .. and then shit on the people who gave you protection" French cunt ..
If God were ever inclined to give the world an enema .. he'd stick the nozzle in France ...
Trying hard to keep up with the general sentiment here - I heard once that this bad feeling between the French and British is historically all our fault. Apparently, many years ago as they became more civilised, the Brits gave up their practice of crapping by the side of the road. Thereby depriving the French of their principal source of nourishment.
And of course, the reason for all the tree-lined roads in Picardy is because the Germans hate marching in full sun...
And the French (and the Walloons) were so keen to adopt the Euro because it made selling their daughters to foreigners easier...
Any of you fuckers actually been to France or worked there? Paris a right dump with all those old buildings and small shops run by families selling good food cooked on the premises. Not like the peoples Republic of Manchester fat ugly women clothed by Primark eating in shithole McDonalds. While you are at it count the number of French people coming to Dover on a "booze cruise" I will save you the trouble not fucking one. Engerlaand. Engerlaand fucking flag waving morons.
Anonymous 19 June 2010 11:06
Who took the jam out of your doughnut? What we are witnessing here is light-hearted non-PC freedom of speech banter.
Yes I have been to France. A lot. On the whole they are stuck up haughty buggers with an entirely unwarranted superiority complex. But there are some who are pure gold and make up for the other wankers. Bit like us really.
I would pay good money to watch those two go at each other. I am referring to the ladies, of course, and maybe after Samantha has had her child. The world might not be ready for lesbian pregnant porn - yet.
The one second from the right, how far away is he?
Anonymong 11.06 - you sound like the sort of happy chap who has just discovered that the operation you went private for to have your sense of humour removed was available for free on the NHS.
It's his high heels that get me, they're so 'old, sad man trying to be trendy'.
Re sense of humour I thank fuck don't have to live in the shithole called Engerland with fuckwits like you and you moronic friends slagging off the French. If you travelled a bit more rather than sitting on your arse you may find that there other places in the world where people enjoy themselves. Perhaps thats how you get your fun "anonymong' how witty and droll now fuck off hows that for humour?
Anonymous said...
" ...I thank fuck don't have to live in the shithole called Engerland with fuckwits like you and you moronic friends slagging off the French" ..
And you'll never know just how grateful WE are that you don't live here either ..
You enjoy yourself amongst your cheese-eating, surrender-monkey friends .. with their long & inglorious history of being rubber-dicked by everyone in history ..
And their pathetic Military .. the only decent part of which is composed entirely of Non Frenchmen ..
Dear Anonymong,
Here we slag off anyone, not just the frogs. If you don't like it, why the fuck are you wasting your time reading this blog?
Please feel free to fuck off and pollute some other part of the internet.
Anonymous 10.23 re: "shithole called Engerland" - what were you doing here? Just passing through?
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