Sunday, 10 June 2012

What A Surprise - Not!!!!

Oh dear, the wankers at the Department of Transport have been caught red-handed lying about the supposed benefits of the High Speed Fuck-up.

Now they are busy moving the goal-posts....

There have got to be some really BIG back-handers and brown envelopes mixed up in this, the whole thing is beginning to smell like a three week old dead lobster.

The Penguin


Anonymous said...

HS2 was only ever a vanity/graft project. Just as a 3rd runway at Heathrow is only about 'mine's bigger than yours' between nations.

When you want to go from A to D, a train only ever takes you from B to C - the first and last bits always need other forms of transport. the B to C journey time saving is a trivial irrelevance.

In a nation like 21st century Britain, this 19th century technology remains 19th century technology.

Anonymous said...

Well, for a nation with such a 19th century mentality, keeping "royals" and colonialism alive, that´s the right type of technology I guess...