Wednesday 24 March 2010

Over-rated Or Just Over-manned?

In all the kerfuffle over Bananaman Millipede and his faux outrage over the cloning of passports by those naughty Israelis in their bumping off of some dreary terrorist, one question seems to hang there like the proverbial elephant in the room, ignored by all the journalists.

How on earth does it take 26 or so Mossad agents to suffocate one terrorist?

Hardly 007 standard, is it? Or maybe that's why Mossad are so "feared"? Because there's so fucking many of them?

The Penguin


Oldrightie said...

Most were trainees on a field exercise course!

Anonymous said...

I agree that 26 is more death by committee than hit squad.

It also makes the possibility of a cock up manifoldly ore likely than with a small team. Murphy's Laws and all that.

Maybe it was a work experience thing?

Captain Haddock said...

"How on earth does it take 26 or so Mossad agents to suffocate one terrorist" ? ..

Surely that's a bit like asking how many Essex Girls does it take to change a light bulb ? ..

Anonymous said...

Who cares? Another piece of shit removed from the planet.