Just can't get my head around why some one as rich as "Lord" Paul should go out of his way to claim a distinctly dodgy £38,000 by pretending that his main home was a one bed flat in a hotel he owns in Oxfordshire when it is blindingly obvious that he lives in London with his family, and has never ever by his own admission stayed so much as one night in this flat - which is occupied by the hotel manager.
Why would someone in his position risk such ridicule over such a paltry sum? Even if the rules are so lax that he is not prosecuted for fraud, his reputation is shot.
Of course, it doesn't say much for the Prime Mentalist's judgement that he's promoted the greasy git to being a Privy Counsellor.
The Penguin
"Why The Fuck Did He Do It?"
I can guess, greed, a misguided sense of 'entitlement' and growing up in a culture that sees such corruption as the 'natural' scheme of things
He's a non dom as well isn't he?
Funny that Labour (and the media) make much noise over Lord Cashcroft and Zac Goldsmith but not over similar characters in the Labour party.
Surely he didn't grow up in the House of Lords did he, Pavlov's cat?
He did it because he's incredibly greedy. Like all of them in Westminster. He did it because he never thought for a minute that he would be caught. He had been told by Lords and MPs that no one evr DARES to question the expenses of a Noble and Honourable Lord. It's just not English to do something like that.
He did it because he could.
For the same reason you find them not paying their minibar bills in hotels. It's simply there for the taking
greedy grasping fucking scumbag....
Far too many foreigners of one sort or another running/ruining our country. Need to fuck 'em off out of it as a matter of national urgency. Kick out all the Jews, gypoes, jihadis and Somalis and it's half the job sorted straight away.
He justifies it to himself as being part of his six-figure donation to the Labour Cause.
How many others have done the same?
"Why The Fuck Did He Do It?"
Because we let them.
Thank Goodness, Scumbags out, that all the white, English MPs and Lords have acted with such probity.
It makes one so proud to be British doesn't it.
How do you think the Rich get Rich?
Why? Because he's a grasping cunt by any chance?
"Even if the rules are so lax that he is not prosecuted for fraud, his reputation is shot."
Right, so that's no punishment at all, then.
It's of absolutely no interest to anyone at all, but I am soul-deep sick and tired of this foul, lying, corrupt, jumped-up, bullying scum government.
It's of no interest because the UK is no longer a democracy.
I didn't vote for this. The overwhelming majority of British people didn't vote for this.
And just remember these scum arsewipes when anyone starts up about that single mother scrimping by on £90 a week, or that sick guy who shouldn't be on £60 a week disability...
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