“Don’t move, I have just broken a test tube filled with the Aids virus.”
It does seem impossible, doesn't it, that the "Mother of All Parliaments" has sunk to such embarrassing and humiliating depths as to have a Speaker who published crass, incorrect, and misogynist rubbish about how to pull virgins, and yet ended up himself with a self-confessed drunk lying slapper.
Still, the money's good, and he'd best make the most of it before the General Election.
The Penguin
He needed someone who knew how to do it......
Slapper? She has been well rewarded!
Lets hope this little gobshite gets kicked out at next election. Don't forget its the Liebour party that wanted him as Speaker. I think Nigel Farage is standing against him.
I don't especially like him, but so what if his missus slept around. Who among the straight ones reading would have passed if she'd taken you home?
A guy who slept around - say a Tiger - would not be called a slapper. It is misogynistic to attack a woman when you would not attack a man for the same thing.
Let him without sin cast the first stone.
The little twat is on borrowed time and Farage will most likely trounce him in the election - just to rub it in!
I am surprised he feels anything in that wizard's sleeve.
Good luck to the short Jew, but if you're not John Holmes you might take some alum along if you want to chuck one up her.
I understand what you say. However, please bear in mind that a woman's genitalia represent the cradle of civilization. It's here that every person you see was nurtured, from the moment of his conception. It's not unreasonable to revere something so sacred and crucial.
A cock, on the other hand, just pumps muck out, so who gives a fuck what you do with it?
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