Got To Be A Contender!
The Ranting Penguin thinks that there should be a new annual award for the most cretinous political tosspot.
Please post your nominations here, and be prepared to justify and defend them.
(Defence as in "I used to argue when people said that Gordon Brown wasn't fit to shovel shit...")
It's a very difficult award to give, there are so many worthy cases. Phil "Front Line" Woolas for example.
The Penguin
May I nominate Bob Jobsworth?
His attention to detail and sterling management of the MOD in times of crisis, his complete faith in Sir Richard Danatt (to the extent of smearing Sir Richard for his entertainment bills), his allowance of bonuses for penpushers, and his sterling efforts to make sure our troops have the right equipment (or would do were it not sat in the docks at Dubai)...
He is a truly cretinous jobsworth who would be better employed as a traffic warden or bus inspector.
How about Bob "Bollocks" Ainsworth?
Damn, The Paragnostic left that while I was typing!
Okay, then, Alan Johnson for doing such a brilliant job of fucking up being Home Secretary in the Gary McKinnon extradition case.
I don't know but Ainsworth certainly looks like Blaikie for "on the buses"
It's a very difficult award to give, there are so many worthy cases. Phil "Front Line" Woolas for example.
I wish to nominate 30% of The Electorate who gave us this Government of zilch talent.
Along the lines of Old Rightie's suggestion, I would like to nominate the 40% of couldn't-care-less bastards who didn't bother to vote. That, with OR's group, makes a total of about 70% of the British population. Sounds about right.
Ben Bradshaw
The song, "You're so vain" could have been written for him.
Our dreadful, shallow, preening, intellectually & culturally-challenged Kultur Sec.
Woolarse should get a performance related bonus. In the language of the sewer party where decline = growth. Hopefully the voters of Oldham East will give the cunt a 100% pay cut at th enext election.
Well, let's be honest that useless cunt Brown has to have it. Everything he goes near goes tits up big-time.
And if not him then Woolas. His bollocking from Headmistress Lumley was pticeless! And he's a useless thieving scumbag. And he's my MP and I doubt the claiming classes in Oldham will vote him out.
The target candidate environment for this award is so rich that might one suggest widening the award to say 646 winners?
Just a thought.
If the main criterion is cretinousness, then that excludes all those who act with malice and deliberation, and admits only those who reveal their utter stupidity every time they speak. One nominee who fulfils this is Ed-ucation Balls, a man who is so monumentally challenged in the intellect department that he cannot tell the difference between paedophiles and paediatricians, and who, moreover, looks up in awe to anyone with a reading age of 11.
Sorry ... I don't usually fence-sit but I just cannot choose. The only way out is to nominate the NuLiebour government, en masse. On that basis, if my nomination is successful, the award would be presented to the Gorgon, so that's appropriate.
[wv = hyper .... honest !]
Think I'm a bit spoiled for choice here - there's just so many of them. I think I have to go with Vervet & nominate the whole Labour govt. If it has to be based on sheer stupidity rather than malice, then I think Bob Ainsworth & Ed 'Don't I look cool in my Nazi uniform and all that makeup' Balls must be front runners.
has to be Liam Byrne for his sterling avoidance of anything relevant following the pre-election speech today.
also, he's never had a proper job and deserves recognition, if only in his own mirror - aagghhhhhhhHHHHH!!!
Balls, this meddling fucker is the very spawn of evil. His socially engineered destruction knows no bounds and the arrogant little bastard wants the top job too. That alone is reason enough to never ever vote Labour again as long as this weedy, ex communist bastard draws breath - which I hope isn't very long at all. His ugly he/she wife is a useless bastard too but not quite on his scale.
Penguin, may I nominate Jim 'Labour attack dog' Murphy. The man is odious and is the reason that Scottish bloggers are under pressure from the MSM.
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