Monday 23 August 2010

Got Any Ladybirds, Missus?

Lucky White Heather? Want Some Pegs?

Here's a new one! Pikeys caught stealing or trespassing are apparently claiming that they were just "collecting ladybirds".

The Penguin


Captain Haddock said...

Pikeys caught stealing or trespassing are apparently claiming that they were just "collecting ladybirds" ..

Nah .. I can't see this being true .. for starters, most of the thieving toe-rags can't even read .. mind you, I suppose they could always look at the pictures ...

Here's one which the "litterati" amongst them might find interesting though ..

Caratacus said...

oooh Captain, you've done it now...

Recent conversation I had with (enlightened) council employee:

Me: (surveying damage) Fucking pikeys did that.
CE: Mustn't say that.
Me: What, "pikeys"??
CE: Mmm. Yep.
Me: Alright, fuckin gyppos did that.
CE: Can't say that either. We've had... a MEMO.
Me: What are we supposed to call them then?
CE: (clears throat and recites as though from memory) They are now to be referred to as Caravan Utilizing Nomadic Travelling Society. (beams proudly as I lean against fence doing the nose trick with mouthful of coffee just taken on board).

microdave said...

@ Caratacus - I like that!

Fascist Hippy said...

Flame-thrower, it's the only way!

Dioclese said...

Was that the insect or the kiddies books?