Monday 7 February 2011

Well, There's A Surprise!

Sir Huge Ordure, president of ACPO

I'm shocked rigid.

It seems that the shareholders and management of a private limited company called ACPO Ltd who have somehow managed to assume and abuse a position of power in the field of law and order in order to make themselves rich do not appreciate the concept of having elected Police Commissioners with the power to hire and fire Chief Cunstables.

Whoever would have thought it? I mean, turkeys vote for Christmas, don't they?

The Penguin


Caratacus said...

Ex-Police friend of mine told me that the acronym stands for Arseholes, Cunts, Pimps and Ohforfucksake.

Anyway, he said of this that if they are agin it, it is almost certainly a bloody good idea.

Just thought I'd pass that on ;)

Oldrightie said...

It's a bloody good idea.

Stop Common Purpose said...

Should be Cur Huge Ordure.

More Common Purpose scum:

Anonymous said...

Just look at his picture. He looks like a depraved Marquis from pre-revolutionary France.

microdave said...

"The leaked papers also include a claim by ACPO that criminals and even sex offenders could be elected by the public."

Well at least we would be able to find that information. Since ACPO have, very conveniently, excused themselves from the FOI we have no way of knowing what they get up to...

The term "Arrogant Fuckwit" hardly does him justice..

FrankC said...

I believe that ACPO get a £10M annual subsidy. How many front line officers could that get? At say, £33,333 per PC, that's 30 pairs of boots on the ground. Not a whole lot, but worth a lot more.

Hacked Off said...

The Pedant responds - I think you mean 300 not 30.

Anonymous said...

Your colleague Mr Raedwald is always going on about this bunch of crooks in his excellent daily blog.

FrankC said...

Difficult sums should not be attempted after alcohol has been imbibed.