Tuesday 22 February 2011

No, Jacqui, Not Because You Are A Woman

Sadly They Are Not Arresting Her

Poor Jacqui Timney. The housewife from Redditch who achieved fame and fortune as a Member of Parliament and Cabinet Minister thanks to her creative designation of "main home" and her carelessness in submitting claims for hubbie's pornography seems unable to grasp the reality of the situation.

She thinks she was subjected to unwarranted scrutiny because she was a woman.

Wrong, Jacqui, you were subjected to entirely reasonable scrutiny because you were a public servant, and that scrutiny found that you are a thief.

Sadly you have managed to get away with it - there was an MP in exactly your circumstances who was forced to resign and pay every penny back, so you got off fucking scot free you moaning bitch.

The Penguin


Furor Teutonicus said...

THAT is a "Woman"?

Fuck darling, I would demand a second opinion if I were you.

Surely there is some parlimentary rule about "entering the house in drag"?

Hacked Off said...

How would you rate "Angela" Merkel then?

Oldrightie said...

Merkel's no merkin, Penny.

Anonymous said...

Fuck me, have all these tossers bought into their own lies? Do they all think they have a "card" to play and when they do play it everyone will back off due to fear of a righteous backlash. It's not fair, it's because I am; a woman / gay / black /asian / muslim / transgender / poor / ginger / disabled / mental / immigrant / traveler. Fucking hell, I just realised we nearly have a full deck of cards, anyone for a game of victimhood poker?

Boobs said...

It was the fact that your hubby asked the public to pay for his need to wank over porn cos he can't get it up for you. If you were a "woman" none of this would have happened.....bitch

Anonymous said...

In much the same way as Myra Hindley and Rose West were victims of unhealthy police and media interest in their activities.

Just leave the women alone. I am surprised she hasn't come out and said that the intrusion was like being raped. In fact...i bet it almost felt like rape to her...think of her feelings why don't you!!!!!!!!!

sixtypoundsaweekcleaner said...

Love your article, Pengy. You say what the rest of us are thinking!

microdave said...

@ Anon at 19:09 - You ARE joking, aren't you?

Hindley & West were violent killers and deserve everything they got. Smith is a thieving cow, and needs a good kicking.

In any case the W/V is "tramp", so I needed an excuse to post something...

Ed P said...

Just to be boring - you all are (ironically?) confirming her point by descending to sexist abuse. It seems to me perfectly possible to abuse this lying, grasping thief without degrading the effectiveness by appending "bitch", etc.

Furor Teutonicus said...

XX The Penguin said...

How would you rate "Angela" Merkel then? XX

"F.D.J Tussi." Once a commy shit ALWAYS a fuckin commy shit.