There is no more urgent proof of the need for urgent root and branch reform of the State Education system than the furore over Katharine Birbalsingh, the teacher who became a star of the Tory Party Conference with a speech about the chaos in the education system.
For daring to speak out she was forced to work from home and threatened with suspension by a head mistress with far too close connections to the Nuliebore Dream than is healthy.
It transpires Miss Birbalsingh has been writing a blog documenting the chaos that is life in a state secondary school in London.
Tellingly, one of the so-called school governors is shocked. School governor Musa Olaiwon said: ‘I am astonished and I can only think that she has a hidden agenda. It’s not a violent school.’
Excuse me, Musa Olaiwon, but what fucking planet are you from? Not a violent school?Police figures show there were 21 criminal allegations at the school in the past academic year, including five of actual bodily harm and a rape.
This whole affair is a disgusting cess pit of socialist and Labour placement at work. Dare to speak out and you are made to suffer, big time. FFS where's the bloody Government out cry?
Keep up the good work TRP!
I don't doubt for one nano-second that what this woman alleges is perfectly true -- But .....
One look at her makes me instantly distrust both her & her motives ..
One can always tell ..
Racist !
Racialist !
(Take yer pick) will save some other deluded twat posting it I suppose.
Poor cow should be exemplified (is that the right word?) not made a fucking scapegoat.
Even if her motives are suspect, anyone with a functioning brain cell knows she's telling the truth. The reaction of her school proves that beyond any doubt.
I'm afraid the "don't rock the boat" culture endemic in this country has a hell of a lot to answer for.
"Let all the poisons that lurk in the mud, hatch out"
MUSA OLAIWON is of the Yoruba tribe of Nigeria.
"The 37-year-old received a standing ovation from Tory delegates in Birmingham last week when she claimed she had abandoned her Marxist beliefs for Conservatism because of poor pupil behaviour" ...
She also has a book deal, based on her Blog which is due to be published in March ..
Fuck-all-squared to do with Racism .. A whole lot to do with political expediency .. and making a few bob out of it ..
And that "scriggy" haircut is straight out of the Marxist Teachers handbook ..
Excuse me, Musa Olaiwon, but what fucking planet are you from?
... of the Apes?
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