"That was just an abberation, ma'am..."
It emerges into the light of day that the Police hierarchy want the government to change the law so that they cannot be sued in the civil courts over such minor irritants as unlawful arrest and police brutality.
They'd prefer to be exempt from FOI requests as well, and not to have to be troubled by Employment Tribunals.
After all, they have a perfect fucking record on alll these issues, don't they? I mean, when did you last hear of the police service over-stepping the mark?
And after all, on the very rare occasion when something reprehensible happens, the Independent Police Complaints Commission and the CPS are swift and fearless in acting to bring the miscreant to justice, where they are punished with the full force of the criminal justice system. Right?
They are having a fucking laugh. Ask Ian Tomlinson's family.
The Penguin
The cheeky bastards.
They have already gotten away with over 1100 deaths in police custody in the last nine years. And I have yet to see a bobby arrested for mowing some old dear down on a Pelican crossing.
Having said that, unlawful arrest and brutality should be easily avoided.
If they can get away with murder...
Good post. Won't affect Scotland fortunately, but you guys must allow it to happen.
A strange set of demands from the upholders of the law, whatever that is now.
Next they'll be asking to change their name from 'Police' to 'Gestapo' and demanding kinky boots and nice black uniforms instead of blue ones and they'll want to be armed... hey, wait a minute...
So, just the name change left to do, then?
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