Hmmm, seems everyone is tippy toeing round here and not actually daring to call a spade a spade.
Or words to that effect.
Is it because the bloke arrrested is Afro-Caribbean by any chance? And did all the politically correct bollocks prevent the plod from nicking him sooner?
So much for fucking multi-culturalism.
The Penguin
The clues are there. Serial rapist. Delroy. 7 bambinos. Only spanner is the married bit. Otherwise its obvious he's a victim of white oppression.
Most shit is brown or black!
It's called Community Cohesion. Facts that could cause problems are suppressed, all done in the nicest possible way. It's all for our own good you see. We don't want people flying the Cross of St George, or celebrating Christmas, it could cause problems.
Your instructions are at the link above. Please read the pdf.
To be fair, they did say his name was Delroy.
It isn't all bad news. According to this report some lucky policemen got a trip to Trinidad
Should have given the whole game away...
Funny I was thinking the same thing. That photofit picture is a bit duff. I somehow doubt it bears even the slightest resemblance to the man now "helping police with their enquiries"
Got a 404 on that link. Can you post again? Thanks
A woman was assaulted at a bus stop in Washington DC. She reported it immediately, so chances were the man was still in the vicinity. She described the man as wearing certain color clothes, a certain height, age, clean shaven and BLACK. (The victim was also black.) The police bulletin said look out for all men who matched that description except they left out the BLACK part. Multiculturalism/ PC is a pernicious plague.
I think you owe Anna Raccoon a hat tip on this very subject.
However, the point you both make is correct.
Still, on the bright side, some more 'diversity enrichment' took place in London yesterday I think it was.
One of our 'asian cousins' chopped his missus up in the street.
Lets look a the police farce handling of this case. How many rapes was it 50 so all these victims interview did not know it was a black man? Because the police farce poster is of a Oriental man.
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