"I'll Just Do My Tommy Cooper Impression For You..."
Lt. Colonel Rupert Thorneloe, the most senior ranked casualty in Afghanistan, in dispatches to his superior officers on June 5 2010 ; words to the effect that British troops would die because they were being forced to travel by road instead of by air, making them easy targets for the Taliban. Dead 3 weeks later due to being blown to pieces in a roadside improvided explosive device.
'It is completely wrong to say that the loss of lives has been caused by the absence of helicopters.'
Fucking lying cunt. No wonder he won't go and meet the coffins.
The Penguin
Yup, in their faces and they would be under orders not to be hostile. Pity they can't heckle.
That chap in the middle looks like he wants to slot the one-eyed twat.
Form an orderly queue!
No wonder he won't go and meet the coffins.
No, just rakes in the VAT from the funeral costs.
If looks could kill, they'd be heroes!
Do you expect Gorgon to still be in Parliament next year?
"Gordon Brown, in Parliament 22nd July 2010."
I think this picture of Cyclops would be more appropriate.
Of couirse he wouldn't agree with the Colonel. He was an expert.
Having very recently spoken to some soldiers returned from Afghanistan, thes confirmed what I had until then merely surmised. No Servicemen are to carry arms in his presence. Risk is clearly too great for him
2010 ? ...
Shurely shome mishtake ! ...
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