"Buy My Book Quick, Or I'll Fuck All Your Children!"
Well, what a surprise! The cunts at the top of the tree get extremely rich.
Who'd have thought it?
The Penguin
Letting off steam. You don't have to like it or agree with it, it is written for my benefit and no one else's. Feel free to add comments if you choose. There will be no moderation. If you choose to post personal attacks, I may well leave them there, so that the bile can fester in the sunshine of my approval, as I regard it from the vantage point of the moral highground.
«Oldest ‹Older 2401 – 2600 of 2870 Newer› Newest»At last! It's finally sunk in the Dio ignores you.
We'll take that as an admission that all his posts were faked by you
Nice one!
Told you he wouldn't answer. Rickie full of shit.
That's insulting to shit
"The evidence and facts will make people believe me"
Surely you mean 'disbelieve me' ?
From Longrider 13th July 2016
"All I can say is that having observed him for a few years now, I have noticed that he is a serial failure. All of those whom he attacks have made a success of their lives – look at the burgeoning business at Puddlecote towers, Grandad and Dioclese are both retired, but have enjoyed successful careers. While I went through failure in 2010, since then, I have rebuilt a successful business. That’s what successful people do; learn from failure and build on it, coming out stronger than before. DD, meanwhile, has failed repeatedly. Clearly there is an underlying resentment. But, also, there are clear sociopathic indicators, so yeah, it figures. A piece of shit, really; a childish bully; the detritus that we have to endure when we put ourselves out there on teh interwebs. We will survive.
If DD turns upon your blog, simply delete and ban. He has no right to freedom of speech on privately owned websites – especially given that it is nothing other than vandalism.
In the meantime, just keep an eye out for fake comments and take care y’all…"
From Longrider 15th February 2016
"And, talking of sociopathic, irrational behaviour, I see that Dickie Doubleday is up to his old tricks over at Grandads and ISAC. If ever there was any doubt that Rickie and Dickie Doubleday were one and the same, that doubt is now annihilated."
From Longrider 19th October 2014
"Dickie Doubleday – now masquerading as Rickie and claiming that he is not the same pathetic little troll from Norfolk who uses exactly the same syntax and makes exactly the same threats – no, of course not. It’s a coincidence that there are two people with the same delusions and who use exactly the same language and sentence construction."
So Nurse Gladys Emmanuel is the Norfolk nurse. Thought she lived opposite Arkwright's shop in Yorkshire.
Hey Rickie Dickie
This is what the Norfolk Nurse stated and much much more.
"You were recommended for sectioning. He states you sexually abused women
He states where he worked. He described your visits to the Priory.
The Down's Syndrome girl had been mentioned. He named the medical specialist treating you
A dangerous man to women. Very dangerous, sexually abused his own family and High school girls and disabled girls.
Cyclist says:
I ( like all the other professionals ) will never know how many have fallen victim to your trolling, stalking and physical attacks. But when I recall all of those photographs , I feel sick, I feel sick to the pit of my stomach.
Lurkers: this twat is a member of the trollwatch team....his allegations are very serious and detailed. Unfortunately for this little shit....I KNOW WHO THE CUNT IS.
Lesson for nasty little shits and you Dioclese....get a real name and real proof if you are going to be a cunt.
Cyclist has been a mental health Nurse in Norwich.
As you know I only deal in facts and evidence.........I have enough evidence a jury would convict him of the crimes he has committed....a Quick police investigation would mean the jury wouldn't be needed cos he would plead guilty.
Cyclist your employment history cannot be hidden.
Christ the little shit played the smartarse card didn't he....running on with those revelations ....I reckon there is a splattering of truth here and there amongst his tales...perhaps Richard Doubleday has had mental health issues..he thought the nailed on certainty of me being RD meant he could really up the brinkmanship game with nasty evil allegations and the truth didn't matter anymore.
It fucking well does matter cunt.....you ignored facts and evidence just like the rest of the trollwatch team and got carried away.
You nasty little shit....this time your IP address is not needed....you have dug your own grave all by yourself.....your employment history when matched with those detailed allegations will hang you.
This is what mob denial can lead to...it brainwashes the easily led into some kind of fantasy where the individual gets comfort that the "mob" can't be wrong....its like all the cunters over at ISAC......they just can't believe the mob" is wrong...the lack of proof and facts don't matter cos the "mob" is right.
Its what happened here on Penguin.....how can the "mob" be wrong...I posted yesterday the Virgin cable stuff..........nailed on proof, yet the "mob" is still right.
You ignorant cunts overlook the elephant in the room over the "home address" issue...you dont care about that cos the "mob" is right.
I thought the Cunts Corner mularky was very interesting.....when they were asked to give their opinion on "trolls" "RD" "Punkape"...they came back with questions, they wanted to know more, they thought the whole saga was very suspect.
The "mob" on here however has shown none of that...its all about bashing me cos the "mob" can't be wrong...all the copy and paste efforts over the last few days is more mob denial.
I told you Dioclese you can't control what other people do when you shoved that address up...Cyclist pushed it way too far.
I can out him like I outed Geoff Vibert.
Now trollwatch team........fuck off and stop worrying about me.
I wont be posting anything you want to read.
So off you trot....cretins.
"get a real name ... if you are going to be a cunt"
Worked for you didn't it Dickie Doubleday?
That's how we know who you are
You used your real name
Dumb cunt!
"Now trollwatch team........fuck off and stop worrying about me."
We're not worrying about you Rickie.
We're just not going away until you stop posting here and quit trolling innocent bloggers
You reckon you're big on innocent people being harassed so -
"Cyclist pushed it way too far.
I can out him"
Stop making threats and just do it
Except you won't because you never do.
It's all bluster and bullshit with you
"Lurkers: this twat is a member of the trollwatch team....his allegations are very serious and detailed. Unfortunately for this little shit....I KNOW WHO THE CUNT IS."
No, he isn't
Do explain how you know who the Cyclist is if you are not Richard Doubleday
Once again you open your mouth and hang yourself
I love it when he writes big long ranting diatribes.
Proves that the little shit is rattled.
Can't take it can you Rickie?
Just like all bullies you shit yourself when people stand up to you
As they say at MacDonalds
"I wont be posting anything you want to read."
Nothing new there
It must be wonderful living in the Rickieverse
Runs out of facts
Runs out of evidence
Runs out of logical
Ignores facts given to him
Ignores evidence given to him
Ignores logical argument
Bluster bluster bluster
Threat threat threat
And if all else fails then he makes up his own facts, makes up his own evidence, applies his own logic
Living his sad little life in his own little bubble
Rickie - the gift that keeps on giving
Cos of the investigations I have carried out.
and to be honest they are still going on...there is one piece of the puzzle which is very fustrating cos I "KNOW" the information is out there...but have not found it yet.
This mising information is just for me because a Police invesigation would find that within minutes.
The Cyclist has left friggin huge footprints all over the web....and along with a good memory I can with certainty out that little shit.
You seem to be confident trollwatch that Cyclist knows Richard Doubleday...I think that too.
I reckon but not absolutely certain where he bought the cycle......yes lurkers i'm that good, although other information I have on him suggests he couldn't afford a new bike...so its parts at least but maybe not the bike.
yes lurkers ...my investigations are so good, I am doubting the cunt actually could afford a new bike...that little shit don't buy new surely.
May you all rot as the cunts that you are.
Rickie, Dioclese and every other poster on this swamp is a cretin.
Go back to your cesspit, you scum.
Disabled toilet.
Point of order, Mr. Patroller !!
Dioclese doesn't post on here. Even Rickie admits that.
There's a dioclese on here that is really Rickie but I understand that it might be getting a bit confusing
Disabled toilet to you too
I am not going to "out" the Cyclist on here.
Lived Abroad.
uses a bike
worked as a mental health nurse in Norwich.
I have no need to "out him" on here...he has committed serious criminal offences.
Oh and he smokes....oh boy does he smoke.
Sorry Trollwatch...you got another meltdown.
Bikes are very important. Time Rickie got on one
Good try, Patroller, but you made the mistake of using apostrophies and Rickie doesn't know what they are
May we welcome to the home of the Upton Twat. The services of a professional troll on here will be appreciated by many, not least because it may demonstrate to Mr Doubleday how it should be done. He really is an embarrassment to your esteemed profession.
Please feel free to post away to your hearts content, preferably aiming your first rate barbs at Rickie Dickie
Disabled toilet indeed
Move over lads.....make room for the Professionals. Cue the music.
.. Bodie and Doyle jump over the bonnet of their Capri.
Hey Trollwatch.
It seems you are still in brainwashed mode mentioning Upton.
You have to realise Cunt that some of us actually research evidence, have good memories, know how to collate information together, I can give you 3 addresses for the little twat.
One in another country....I can post how some or possibly all of his income is earned...his family details.
His friends....yes online mates he has met in real life....what he smokes, what food he likes.
So fuck off you little twat.........I deal in evidence and facts.
What I don't do is "out " online someone who has commited serious criminal offences....I just want you to know....he is known to me.
That little prick has made the most evil allegations against an innocent man he thinks is me.
Think over what you have posted Cyclist....the true bits, the invented shit.......it aint going anywhere soon.
YOUR EMPLOYMENT HISTORY WILL SINK YOU....nothing else is needed...all the info I have on you changes nothing, its of no benefit to me to post it.
Seriously I have shit loads of nonsense...I could point out offical government documents that are availbale online with his name on them.
Hey cunts let that be a lesson to you....ditch Facebook/twitter....its fucking scary what liitle time is needed to find shit.
Facebook and twitter...were not used for the Cyclist.
Trollwatch team....you know that stomach churning feeling you had when the Virgin Cable proof destroyed your hopes of who I am.
Its happened again...cos now you know the "Cyclist" our resident smartarse with his big talk, big accusations isnt a bedroom warrior in hiding sniggering anymore.
he is known to me.
He can take his fancy writing style in a vain attempt to appear like a highly educated person that demands credibilty and shove it up yer arse.
Cos you aint been so smart after all.
I suggest Troll team ...you take your 2 or 3 team members who try and appear like a mob on here...and fuck off.
The game is over.
Unless of course you want to keep talking about Cyclists allegations...or maybe Cyclist could come back and have another pop....have a think team.
you can't turn me into Richard Doubleday of Upton...........not ever.
"you can't turn me into Richard Doubleday of Upton"
We agree. You can't change something that already is into something that already is
Two rants in a row. Wow, Rickie really is bricking it!
Go on Rickie. Go for the hat trick. Make it three. You know you want to.
It was still not cable in 2012 you dumb cunt. We keep telling you but as usual you just ain't (note the apostrophe) listening, are you?
And we still don't give a fuck about the Cyclist because he ain't (there's the apostrophe again Rickie) one of us
Dumb fuck Doubleday.
Has a nice ring to it don't you think?
"What I don't do is "out " online someone who has commited serious criminal offences"
Is that because you're bullshitting again and don't know who he is?
And there are two 't' in 'committed' you illiterate lout
Use the fucking spellchecker. I'm sure there's a five year old somewhere that will show you how - unless you've frightened them all away with your dubious habits
"What I don't do is "out " online someone who has commited serious criminal offences"
Rest assured we don't have the same qualms about you
Why do you persist Rickie?
Why not just vanish and come back as somebody else?
Nobody would be any the wiser that it was you and you'd be welcomed as long as you behaved
Dio suggests this on his blog today.
It's good advice and all this bullshit would just go away if you took it
It's a way out for you and you know deep down inside that you simply cannot win
That 2012 Cable is the hardest bit for you to swallow aint it . (note the missing apostrophe)
Tis the proof you never had Richard Doubleday of Upton...I know it...and so do you.
So who did Trollhunter "out" and where did he live.....yes a cabled Virgin Media area.
What about 2017, not cable....lol.
The Cyclist is one of you....not the inner circle of desperados clutching at nothing, but somebody connected to you....he should have not sawllowed the shit hook line and sinker....but he wanted to join in the fun and had something relevant to add.
Believe what you like Rickie. The Cyclist is NOT one of us
Why can you not grasp that querying a site in 2017 does not give you information about what what happening 5 years ago?
Because it proves you wrong and you cannot accept you are ever wrong?
Take the advice. Disappear. Come back as somebody else and get on with your life. It's good advice. It's the way out for you that you desperately need. You will NEVER win because you've upset a whole bunch of people who are happy to carry this ridiculous dialog on for ever and ever. They're enjoying winding you up so if your intention is to annoy them then it isn't working. They're laughing at you.
Take the advice. To do otherwise confirms the Cyclist's assessment of your mental state.
You are a fucking shit troll you cunt
Fuck the fuck off wanker
Disabled toilet
The might of my troll army will descend on you if you keep posting
You have been warned
A proper troll does not engage in conversations
You are a cunt and a useless cunt to boot
The e-mail address was on the submission forms for Directorship, submitted to Companies House.It is usual in submissions to include name and address , d.o.b. telephone number and e-mail.
Documents are available on line for the fee of £5.99
They are a public record.
The conduct of the company, was in its first 6 weeks of operation, conducted from the premises of Mr Doubleday, and only later transferred to the now established business.
The original submission clearly details this.
Love it. The trolls are threatening to troll the troll.
But it occurs to us that it could be Rickie trolling himself pretending to be a troll. He's mad enough
Cunt. Fuck off.
Disabled toilet
The troll army is waiting to demolish you. You cannot withstand our might. You have been warned cunt
We three are coming for you. More will follow. The troll army will not be defied. Go now cunt or be destroyed
Wanker. Cunt.
Fuck off
I welcome you Trolls.
I hope you enjoy your stay with us.
At the moment the trollwatch team are in meltdown...still in denial, still hoping, still failing.
Please troll away.
"At the moment the trollwatch team are in meltdown"
Actually, we're not.
Believe what you like Rickie but really, honestly, we're not
Do not welcome us cunt.
We are come to destroy you and your pathetic blog
You will bow before us motherfucker
Disabled toilet
Your 18 attempts to access ISAC today have all failed Rickie.
Do you never learn?
Of course not.
This thread is beginning to make Cunts Corner look like a club for intellectuals
Hey Trollwatch.
IP: Kingdom Near: Norwich, Norfolk, United Kingdom
Host name:cpc126048-pmth12-2-0-cust169.6-1.cable.virginm.net note
Country:United Kingdom
B Class: -
You see Trollwatch when you use a different ip locating website (IP ADDRESS LOOK UP)...you get further proof the address was in Norwich at some time and cable , even though other sites show it in Portsmouth now and cable
Over to you twat....come back with proof.....that address in Norfolk was not cable?
come on cunt....I provide endless facts and evidence on everything I post.
Why the fuck can't you provide anything at anytime.
The professional trolls have arrived Rickie. They are going to trash 'your' blog, turn you into Pedigree Chum and leave you out for the binmen to clear up.
Pass the popcorn. Enjoy the show.....
The trolls are welcome.
you cant wreck me evidence, you cant hide the truth, you can delete me, you cant ban me.
Cunt said "I provide endless facts and evidence on everything I post."
Bollocks. Silly cunt dribbles like a limp cock wih incontinence issues. Fuvk off.
You keep telling us the IP is cable
We accept that it is now.
Why do you not accept that wasn't then?
IP addresses change over the years just like TV channels. The 2017 IP may not be in Upton. This doesn't mean that it wasn't in Upton in 2012. Depends on the organization of the exchange and equipment installed which changed significantly when high speed broadband was rolled out.
Sorry to have to tell you but both sides in this argument could be wrong. There is no way of telling five years on.
you cant wreck me evidence, you cant hide the truth, you can delete me, you cant ban me.
Really? Fuck off.
Shit on yer evidence. Shove it up yer Bournville boulevard.
You're all cunts
Cunts cunts cunts
Fuck off cunts
"you cant wreck me evidence"
Looks like you're wrong Rickie.
Hard luck
We should take Dio's advise and ignore all this nonsense. Leave him to stew in his own juices. Leave him to talk to himself.
You're just pandering to him and feeding his ego. He isn't worth it.
Follow Dio's example and maintain a dignified silence. Why are you even bothering to read this rubbish?
Yeah. Fuck off and die cunts
Cunt won't have an ego by the time this is over. Shrivelled bollocks and a floppy tiny cock, that's all.
I have shown you historical evidence that ip was cable in Norwich and that means it wasn't
I'm afraid the other side just says it's not without proof.
As usual....never any proof.
I will stop when I choose to stop posting...you can of course fuck off anytime you like
No fuckhead. You fuck off
The thing is, if we all fuck off and leave poor Rickie, he will be all alone, with no one to tell his sad little tale of how he was minding his own business when a bunch of sick bloggers mercilessly trolled him for no reason whatsoever.they also took an innocent man, who definitely isn't him, and publicly shamed him by outing him as a sick troll.
You are the cunt who cried cunt Rickie, you pathetic little spunk burp.
You have no idea who anyone is on this wreck of a site. Talk about brinksmanship. You're full of it.
See you about, oh sorry, I forgot, you are banned pretty much everywhere. Ah well.....
Fuck off
"As usual....never any proof"
This what we keep telling you Rickie
Fucking parrot!
You have the brain of an amoeba
Fuck off
Ignore the sad fucker and he'll talk to himself pretending to be you so you might as well.
You'll still be here even when you're not, just like dio
Disabled toilet
Remember folks, there are no moderators here. No rules. No being banned. It's like the fucking Wild West. Yee hah
Rickie seems to not remember that.
To his cost
Difficult to visualise a bigger cunt than Rickie
Fuck off cunt
Rumour has it, this Rickie cunt started this pile of festering putrid shit of a blog. Fucking hell, whay a horror show. This cunt is off his trolley.
No. Just found a dormant blog and hijacked it.
Shall we send him to Coventry?
Opinions please
Mr Doubleday is indeed innocent of all matters. It was in 2009 that his identity was taken for use for the purposes of fraudulently obtaining a visa card. The culprit was also a Troll who later used Mr Doubledays identity. The persistent trolling of sites is the responsibility of Frederick Terrance, who has multiple ID's on many sites. Mr T ( as he is known ) resides in Spain.
The person you are trolling on this site is in fact another person entirely unconnected to either Mr T or Mr Doubleday.
It seems that in the many months of confusion, many people are falsely claiming to be Rickie, Richard or whatever. Glove puppets abound and many authors currently jockeying for position.
You have all been playing against each other in the confusion.
My advice is to simply no longer bother with this site. Re Cyclist This is a fiction. Priory Norwich was an outpatient centre for eating disorders. ( bulimia etc )
This can be checked on their website.
Was this the Troll posing as Cyclist? Was this a red herring.?
I don't really know. What I do know is that the troll whoever he is holds the upper hand, and all of this continues for his entertainment.
Richard Doubleday may have had some small part a long time ago, but he certainly went a long time ago.
Rickie will kneel before the Master. It won't go well for him. The jewel encrusted dagger lies at the hand of the Master.
Indeed one is never alone with a multiple personality.
We have enjoyed goading him. It has been great fun. What is true and what is false cannot be determined. The only truth to be found here is that Rickie is irrefutably a complete and utter cunt!
The only winner here would seem to be Dioclese whose restraint in the face of threats, bullying and intimidation has been remarkable.
He and Rickie are polar opposites. Dioclese you are to be applauded for your patience and dignity. Well done!
The truth always had the upper hand...and It was with me all the time.
Lessons learnt boys and girls, time will tell about the crimes committed.
cyclist...you underestimated me,intact you all did.
I never contacted RD...not so much of a cunt after all.
If dioclese. Offers an apology...no fucking about on his blog and isac
My offer stands on the consequence not taking place.
I have not posted any details of that...it's cos it will happen
Upper hand bollocks. You have been on the back foot from day one you pathetic little maggot cock.
Have a few questions for whoever has dropped this bombshell.
Anna Raccoon visited RD. Dioclese and the other bloggers were sure it was RD. How did they get it so wrong?
Tbe Cyclist out of nowhere in June made his revelations about RD. Was this total fantasy?
Now we have Mr T (of the A-Team?) who was the persistent troll who lives in Spain but is not the troll here at the Penguin. Strangely the troll here speaks fluent Spanish and says he is off to Spain next year.
How do you know all this, and know the troll here is neithet RD or Mr T? Where do you fit in and what took you do long to spill the beans?
Why did the troll not tell RD what was occurring, even anonymously?
Why has the troll persisted with the story of RD's innocence at the expense of actilual trolling. The trolling element has gone by the wayside in all the n
Lastly, when does the book and film come out? This whole story from start to finish is worthy of any good novelist.
It is not possible to underestimate Rickie. He is lower than a snake's belly.
Even now when has lost he demands an apology from Dioclese.
How many times he flip flops, on and off, up and down, changing like the wind.
How many times does Dio tell him to go fuck himself before it sinks in
Fool. Poor deluded thick stupid fool.
Bring on the consequences!
Bring forth the comfy chair!
No apologies here.
Go fuck yourself!
I apologize profusely and abjectly. I throw myself upon your mercy. Spare me the consequences oh great one!!!
Fucking twat cunt
Lick the shit from my arse motherfucker
Mr T, what a load of shit. The guy is a fucking tit. More lies and bullshit from a childlike closet poof.
Disabled toilet
No the Cyclist was not all fantasy, he is/was a mental health nurse and was leaking confidential information...how much was true is uncertain
He intended to cause harm to RD
The snivelling little shit is known to me.
The troll watch team know this hence the offers to join their blogs and quit this game of brinkmanship.
Plus the virgin cable facts are undisputable ...saying no it isn't, does not replace historical factual evidence.
Intact ' no it isn't" or "yes you are" sums up the factual evidence from the troll team.
Indeed it is time you fucked off
How could you possibly know 'the cyclist' unless you are the person he refers to?
As you are clearly suffering from some form of mental illness, knowing people in that profession is plausible, but only if you are the nasty cunt he refers to.
Rickie full of shit.
Right all you cunts out there. Pay attention.
Last night we discovered a troll stole Rickie Doublebubble's ID. Rickie was himself a minor troll back then in 2009 but no longer is today. Another troll Mr. T is the one responsible for rampant trolling of many sites. However, he is not the troll at the Penguin right now.
What are the chances of that happening eh?
Trolls pretending to be other trolls, pretending to be other trolls. Surely, the National Union of Trolls would have something to say. The whole troll industry could be damaged by such blatant unethical practices.
What do Patroller, Dave and Bane think of this damage to their profession? Time for industrial action? All those in favour, say aye.
"The troll watch team know this hence the offers to join their blogs"
What offer?
What blogs?
Pure fantasy!
The troll stole the trolls identity?
"Plus the virgin cable facts are undisputable ...saying no it isn't, does not replace historical factual evidence."
Diddle dee dee
Diddle dee dee
Diddle dee dee
Dee dee
Get some nuts.......cunts.
I can't believe it's not fisting butter.
For anyone who thinks this place is inhabited by the mentally deranged, check out Cunts Corner.
"A report on my short stay experience.
Bizarre scenes from an overcrowded cooler indeed. Decs strutting around naked, constantly screaming about government cut backs and paper clip rationing. Punky has ripped off the toilet seat, written ' Range Rover Owner' on it, and hung it round his neck. Frank sits by the door, muttering, and delousing his beard ( the poor sod is finished ). Young Bill scurries in and out the room through a hole in the wall, like he owns the place. The only one who seems to be at peace with himself is QC, he has voluntarily hung him self upside down from the window bars, contorting his body, and actually managing to shit in his own mouth. Conditions are squalid at best, but they all seem united in their universal hatred of all things Ding."
There are more of the regulars in the cooler than out of it.
It's a close call, The Penguin or CC for winner of 'The Headbangers Challenge Cup'.
there appears to be a few instances of the words rattled and cretin on cunts corner lately, whilst also being used on here. coincidence?
@the headbangers challenge cup
maybe so but i think its fucking funny
It made me laugh too. Someone must have pissed in the drinking water, there are meltdowns occurring all over the place.
decimus. we are watching you.
Lady P thinks that you are all benders
And she KNOWS you are all shitstabbing shirtlifters.
Time for some people to own up.
Oh yes thats going to puzzle the trollwatch team isn't it!, how did I fucking well out him.
Ya see lurkers....the troll team know I am not Richard Doubleday yet also know Cyclist was posting some truths amongst his stories that did involve Richard Doubleday.
This means its a very serious matter...leaking of confidential information by a health worker that included trying to paint him as the Norfolk Ripper.
The troll team have realised the whole fiasco has come crashing down on them as one big almighty fuck up and are now waving the white flag hoping this shit will dissappear, hoping and I will fuck off.
Whats Dioclese reaction to everything?....oh yes its all weird, he can't understand anything, its all about why "Rickie" does it.
You fucking cretin started the shit of naming Richard Doubleday...it involved a dying woman who is a media star confirming your accusations and visiting him, it involved a mental health nurse confirming your accusations and leaking confidential information, it involved numerous threats and harrassment to that man over several months
You silly old fart.....you are not some rubbernecking passer by completely unaware of whats just happened...you started it and at every chance claimed it to be true.
You really do want to fuck off ,don't you troll watch team?...put all this behind you and pretend it never happpend, but its gnawing away at you how I got Cyclist, you realise trying to dispute the clues I have posted is a waste of time because his real employment history is what matters.
So how did I get him?....how did I know he was/is a mental health nurse......its cos I'm a clever cunt.
I have never met Cyclist...I know who he his though.....his smartarse style of trying to bully and threaten me thinking his identity was safe ...was a big mistake.
he kept repeating the phrase "I do know you"....you fucking didn't cunt....its the other way round.
What was that about Beryl Cockaday and High School girls Cyclist?.
The funny thing about this "Cyclist" outing is that Cyclist and the troll watch team have probably spent a good few hours trying to find out how I did it?.....fuck you twats, I aint telling you.
Looks like we got a meltdown over in Ireland too, back in june, Frank Davis shoved up a picture of Grandad in their brand new online smoky drinky bar thing.
In that picture he looks like he his clinging on to life or perhaps on the verge of ending it all.
Fast Forward to August over at Head Rambles , Grandad is sporting a dark brown hairpiece to go nicely with that grey beard and Purple wizards robe he his wearing (the purple ashtray thread).
I appears Grandad wants to look nice if the North Korea missile thing kicks off.
For fucks sake...whats the frigging rug doing on the wall ?.
Just who do you think is going to believe a word of the shit you come out with. Anyone with a brain will tell you that the only possible way you could even guess at the identity of the cyclist is to have met him in the line of his duty, as a patient.
As for troll watch, you make it sound like there is a crack team of troll hunters who meet at a secret hideout, planning every move with military precision. You self important retarded fuck. Don't you understand that we people who come on here have never met, I have no idea who any of these people are. Neither do you. We just come on here and give you shit, as you have done to other innocent people over the years.
Your rampant desire to have one up on people shows that in real life, you are a man of little consequence, unsuccessful in business and in love, you seek little comfort in trying to annoy people. What a sad life.
Dioclese didn't start anything you dickless cunt. YOU started it all by trolling for years. He couldn't give a Fuck about you, and neither does anyone else.
I have been outed by a very clever person and i sinserely appologise for my behaviour towards an innocent man. I regret all my postings on this site and all the lies I told about you.
I never did know you at all and made up the stories because it seemed a good idea to get you angry and upset.
I am a nurse in mental health and I did not release medical records because they were never real in the first place it was all made up.
Disabled toilet
What cyclist is worried about is how I know him...cunt init.
I'm afraid all you will ever know is that I got the twat.
Stop digging and fuck off.
Fucking understating me all the time...you twats
Rickie Rickie full of shit.
Do you know who killed Kennedy?
Pathetic bullshitter, you know fuck all.
I know who the cyclist is. And, I'll go one better than you and name the cunt.
You ready?
Are you sure?
Lance Armstrong.
You soapy twat.
Once again I provide facts about him living abroad and being a mental health nurse that somkes a lot...it's like groundhog Day here, all you come back with is
"No it isn't" or you know fuck all.
You see that's exactly what he was a 'Nurse"...what I don't know is how much of his shite was invented
I can see the brinkmanship has finished....don't worry about how I outed Cyclist...just be aware I have.
That could. Come in handy for another unforseen circumstances finale if you forget how you have committed serious crimes and still try and fuck about with me.
The game really is over twats.
Move along.
What about Grandad and that hair piece...i bet it scares the dog.
You fucking cabbage. To think you are fifty years old and still have the mind of a ten year old.
You haven't outed anyone.
The only cunt who got outed was you, for the sad as fuck trolling you did.
Yes, you will come back with the cable bollocks, it wasn't me, I'm someone else.
Riddle me this then prick.
Who am I?
Why am I here?
How did our paths cross?
A mate of the Cyclist, a real world mate.....lol.
Cos one of the cunts is back online around the blogs.
I'm a bit confused. Rickie, you say you've outed the cyclist but I can't see where.
Please do it again 'cos I seemed to have missed it
Remember saying this Rickie?
So if you're not Richard Doubleday - even though you have admitted you are - why does a search trace back through several of your so called untraceable proxies give your post code as NR13 6AJ?
STILL smelling the bullshit
26 May 2017 at 11:24
Anonymous Anonymous said...
All these ones used by you pinpoint your address. 8118 GB United Kingdom elite proxy no no 12 seconds ago 8080 GB United Kingdom anonymous no yes 14 seconds ago 80 GB United Kingdom anonymous no no 14 seconds ago 8118 GB United Kingdom elite proxy no no 20 minutes ago 8118 GB United Kingdom elite proxy no no 20 minutes ago 8118 GB United Kingdom elite proxy no no 20 minutes ago 8118 GB United Kingdom elite proxy no no 1 hour ago 8118 GB United Kingdom elite proxy no yes 1 hour 1 minute ago 8118 GB United Kingdom elite proxy no no 1 hour 11 minutes ago 8118 GB United Kingdom elite proxy no no 1 hour 21 minutes ago 8118 GB United Kingdom elite proxy no yes 2 hours 1 minute ago 8118 GB United Kingdom elite proxy no no 2 hours 11 minutes ago 8118 GB United Kingdom elite proxy no no 2 hours 11 minutes ago 8118 GB United Kingdom elite proxy no yes 2 hours 20 minutes ago 8118 GB United Kingdom transparent no no 2 hours 20 minutes ago 8080 GB United Kingdom transparent no no 2 hours 21 minutes ago 8118 GB United Kingdom elite proxy no yes 2 hours 31 minutes ago 8118 GB United Kingdom elite proxy no no 2 hours 40 minutes ago 8118 GB United Kingdom elite proxy no yes 3 hours ago 8118 GB United Kingdom elite proxy no yes 3 hours 11 minutes ago
26 May 2017 at 13:21
Not so clever are you Rickie!, infact a search trace on your postcode gives the same proxies you used. Infact a good GPS system as used by Anna Racoon can pinpoint your position when you are online.
What about the consequences now cunt!....we know who and where you are.
26 May 2017 at 13:17
Acrefield, 9 Church Road, Upton, Norfolk NR13 6AJ
Acrefield, 9 Church Road, Upton, Norfolk NR13 6AJ
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Acrefield, 9 Church Road, Upton, Norfolk NR13 6AJ
Acrefield, 9 Church Road, Upton, Norfolk NR13 6AJ
Acrefield, 9 Church Road, Upton, Norfolk NR13 6AJ
Fetch the comfy chair
Refreshments will be provided. All are welcome.
I have returned following an escalation in this sites activity.
To the Troll.
Richard, if you read my post of the 17th May, and subsequent to my colleagues postings.
You admitted publicly that you were in fact lying all along. I have the copy of the e-mail that you sent to Crowman in which you describe yourself as Richard ( Ricky ) Doubleday.
Please be aware that you have a booking record for e-mail services at Norwich Millennium Library ( library Services ) for public use of our services.
I believe that this charade has gone on long enough.
This is legit some of the saddest shit Ive ever seen. This is being linked on reddit soon niggaz.
The nurse is most distressed that you have chosen to publicly reveal your gay love affair with him. He kept it a secret for your sake, having only confessed all to God. Since you have now kiss and told, he feels the whole sordid tale should be sold to the highest bidder. The Sun are very interested.
Hey bro,post the Reddit link here when you hang it up.
Cyclist outed....is by my clues only. serious criminal charges may be the outcome of his brinkmanship. I gave the clues so the releasing of confidential information about the victim would hopefully stop.
Anon 0742....yeah its our regular 7.30am troll watch team member..same old same old desperation.
" infact a search trace on your postcode gives the same proxies you used"
100% impossible....Care to provide facts to back that up.
Don't bother replying with "yes they can"...we have been through that charade of " no it isn't" "yes it is " "yes you are"..for months now
Factual evidence please.....yawn.
I have no need for mail services at a Library......what a strange comment.
I suppose you want to test my reaction to this latest brinkmanship with regards to Cyclist.
I know he is/was a mental health nurse......if those accusations contain real facts....he his fucked.
I cannot be scared or intimidated ...not now , not ever.
@troll watch team...........please , please don't forget about the serious crimes you have comitted....thay can't be buried in a silly attempt at bravado, or at another desperate desperate attempt to trip me up.
I am not Richard Doubleday ..he is a victim of serious crimes.
If they continue my genuine offer of not taking action will be forgotten.
Twats, if me or anyone contacts Richard Doubleday or he finds out by other means....you are fucked. Cyclist is fucked.
Have you condsidered this Trollwatch team........there are lurkers lurking, hell even cunts corner reads this, you cannot control what a random person may do.
You posted the address today ...somebody may just use it to stir the shit, out of idle curiosity.
Its not all about what I do...you cannot control things, its a simple no brainer fact that you overlook to get the last word, another gameplay.
Quit the bravado and brinkmanship.....so far its lead to Geoff Vibert being outed and the Cyclist being known to me.
What have you achieved?....nothing fuck all except finding out you were 100% wrong.
Serious crimes, an incredible story involving a dying woman........and you bury your heads and carry on.
you really couldn't make it.
Now that's an idea. Will sort this out for good
"If they continue my genuine offer of not taking action will be forgotten."
Put up or shut up
Who is this trollwatch team of which you speak?
List their names
You know fuck all you cunt
"100% impossible....Care to provide facts to back that up"
No. Why should we? We both now it's possible so fuck you
The real victim of serious crimes is Dioclese. He's warned you in writing on here that your continued abuse of him is illegal and yet you persist in playing the martyr and trying to turn it around on him based on no facts whatsoever. He offered to help you then you threw it back in his face and spent years trolling him.
You really are very very stupid Rickie. No wonder the bloke wants nothing to do with you and ignores you.
Read the Malicious Communications Act before you start pointing fingers. The worst offender is you.
Anna Raccoon promises to come back and haunt you after she dies.
That will serve you right for trolling a dying woman
Th jury was out deliberating it's verdict. For a very brief moment the jury could not reach a unanimous verdict on the Defendant, a Mr Troll (aliases Rickie, Dickie, Mr T et al). This was due to a massive red herring being thrown in a couple of days earlier by witness Anonymous who claimed The Troll was not Rickie, Dickie or Mr T.
However, after further deliberation, additional witness testimony and re-examining earlier statements and evidence, they have managed to reach a unanimous verdict.
Rickie is GUILTY of all trolling charges.
The judge in his summing up said Rickie is a persistent and troublesome offender. He is a nuisance to other internet users. He is a gargantuan cunt.
The Court is adjourned and will return for sentencing.
Send the summons to
Acrefield, 9 Church Road, Upton, Norfolk NR13 6AJ
There are some things that science will never be able to explain
One of them is 'Why is Rickie so stupid?'
The bloke's a cunt. That's my philosophy
Rickie's theory of relativity explained
1. Rickie's bullshit is the only thing that travels faster than the speed of light
2. His nearest relative is a monkey
Q. What's the difference between Rickie and a dog turd?
A. A dog turd knows it's shit
Q. What the difference between Rickie and an arsehole?
A. Rickie spouts shit all the time
Q. What's the difference between Rickie and Usain Bolt?
A. Bolt knows when he's beaten
And the higher up a monkey climbs, the more it shows its arse
Q. How do we know that Rickie only rides female horses
A. Because every time he rides past people point and say 'Look at the cunt on that horse'
Boom! Boom!
Q. What's the difference between Rickie and the late Albert Einstein?
A. Eistein was intelligent.
Q. What do you get is you cross Rickie with a brick wall?
A. An even thicker brick wall
Careful lads!
This blog is in danger of becoming entertaining
Fuck off cunts
Disabled toilet
That didn't last long did it?
It's no coincidence that Rickie rhymes with thicky
Publish the names Rickie
Tell everyone who we are
Except you can't can you? Because you don't know
So do what you usually do and make some up
Malicious Communications Act 1988...I think the accusations/threats against Richard Doubleday go way beyond that act.
""100% impossible....Care to provide facts to back that up"....Answer "NO"...lol.
Publish the trollwatch team names.....Cyclist.....you know that little shit thought he would join in...did any of you care what he published.
Infact the think team tank "trollwatch" overlooked a lot of facts and evidence.
There is a lot of information I don't publish...I have told you that....you just continue to underestimate me.
Trollwatch team...fuck your names.
The names of the Trollwatch team have been leaked. They are:
Mrs. White,
Mr. Green,
Mrs. Peacock,
Professor Plum,
Miss Scarlet,
Colonel Mustard
and Rickie the "victim's" real name is in fact Mr Black.
"100% impossible....Care to provide facts to back that up"....Answer "NO"...lol.
We are not obliged to justify or explain anything to you Rickie
"Trollwatch team...fuck your names"
We'll take that as a "Can't because I don't know"
Malicious Communications Act 1988...We think your accusations/threats against Dioclese and several others go way beyond that act
The higher up the monkey climbs, the more it shows it's arse
I accuse Dickie Doubleday, in the basement, with a keyboard
His house doesn't have a basement. Only a tatty garden shed with a sign hanging crookedly outside. It reads "Troll Central Communications HQ"
Troll watch names...fair cop gov, just me running Me gob off.
Grandads hairpiece...now that is fucking funny.
All the posts in the thread are ignoring it.
It's a bit like a Tina turner look mixed with Wurzel gummage.
Best pic around the blogs ever.
Rickie full of shit.
Still won't tell his new audience why he is centre of attention here.
Doesn't look good for you, does it Rickie?
Reap what you sow.
Acrefield, 9 Church Road, Upton, Norfolk NR13 6AJ
Rickie is a cunt. The rest of you are idiots.
Disabled toilet.
Evening Patroller. I know you don't engage in conversation while going avout your business, but can you trash this shit excuse for a blog into the ground. Invite your mates, more the merrier.
Agreed, Rickie is a cunt.
All trolls are scum.
And Rickie can't even make a success of trolling.
Useless prick. Literally.
Let's recap:
Trollwatch team are awaiting criminal charges, Cyclist knows an investigation by the NHS will see him never work as a Mental Health Nurse again.
Richard Doubleday is an innocent victim that has never lived in a Virgin Cabled area.
So cunts..you will have to wait and wait..or maybe not and investigations have already started.
Well Dioclese...that great big hole I told you was digging with your guesswork on my identity has happened.
cunt init.
Can someone tell the thick as pig shit cunts over on ISAC that there's no such thing as a "poove" and that it's POOF.
Fucking spackers
Muslim paedo child grooming sex gangs turn me on lads!
Yes. Let's recap.
"Trollwatch team are awaiting criminal charges"
Except you don't know who they are
The police aren't interested
Your threats and intimidation would come back and bite you if you a actually pursued this empty boast
"Cyclist knows an investigation by the NHS will see him never work as a Mental Health Nurse again."
You don't know his name either
He's told you he's retired. This means he doesn't work you thick cunt!
"Richard Doubleday is an innocent victim that has never lived in a Virgin Cabled area."
We've not going to explain this to you yet again
"Well Dioclese...that great big hole I told you was digging with your guesswork on my identity has happened."
Why are you still addressing Dio when you know he ain't reading it?
What hole?
Not guesswork - Been visited by Anna Raccoon
You live at Acrefield, 9 Church Road, Upton, Norfolk NR13 6AJ
And your last comment pretending to be Dioclese is yet another offense
Hard to believe anyone could be this stupid
Yeah. Cunt init?
The police aren't interested....yeah yeah , they would ignore the Norfolk Ripper accusations against him and the intention to harm him....twat.
Virgin cable..you have not explained anything but guesses......I provide facts.
Cyclist......I notice nobody questions all the other facts I posted about "Cyclist"....just the one I decided not to post......funny that.
The trollwatch team names have already been published here.....twat....you know how a group of bloggers shared information.
"The police aren't interested....yeah yeah , they would ignore the Norfolk Ripper accusations against him and the intention to harm him....twat"
But it was you that coined the phrase 'Norfolk Ripper.
And you're ignoring Anna Raccoon's visit to your 'innocent' man
And your intention to harm Dioclese and others by 'cutting them up and putting them out in bin bags'
Your words Rickie. All retained above for everyone to see
Inconvenient isn't it, the truth?
"Virgin cable..you have not explained anything but guesses."
Sick of explaining it. You just don't like the answer
"Cyclist......I notice nobody questions all the other facts I posted about "Cyclist""
Please restate your 'facts' as we can't find them posted anywhere on here
"The trollwatch team names have already been published here"
No they haven't. Publish the names now Rickie.
Tell everyone who we are
Cleudo characters don't count
You're full of shit and living in your own little fantasy world
Put up or shut up
I want to know who these trollwatch cunts are
Disabled toilet
Not aware of any threats made against Richard Doubleday of Upton
Anna Raccoon went to his house and told him what was going on
But he already knew because he's Rickie the troll
Daft fucker then proved it by quoting the conversation on her blog before she'd made anything public.
Hook line and fucking sinker. Guilty as charged
Block Delete Ignore
It's the only way with idiots like this
Publish our names Rickie
We defy you to publish our names
We know who you are. You don't have a fucking clue who we are
Perhaps we're just you talking to yourself again?
Prove it by publishing our names
I did it in the garden in Upton, with the lead pipe
I admit it. I've no idea who trollwatch are. I'm just a gobshite.
You're not clever enough to be a gobshite
You're just plain shite
Disabled toilet
We want names. Name the Trollwatch team and the Cyclist. This has turned into a soap opera.
Without names troll, your credibility is shot to shreads.
The public wants it now!!
Publish or be damned!
We have come to the end of this mularky.
The fate of what happens regarding the crimes against Richard Doubleday is out of your control.
Suck it up cunts...you are in no position for yet more gameplays or ideas.
This malarkey has come to an end. No names, nothing.
Everyone ignore the scrote. Nothing to be seen here.
A conplete snoozefest.
Yes its time to fuck off.
Nothing to see now....its all been and gone.
Yes Rickie, as you say, suck it up, you cunt.
No fire and fury. Nothing lock and loaded.
A not so epic bout.
The trollhunters are declared the winners.
I am virtually sticking two fingers up to you cunts and doing a runner...with a smile of course.
see ya
Well, that's Rickie sorted.
Anyone fancy a pint?
ISAC should be called the brexit voting UKIP supporting mongtard club for drooling spackers with awful grammar and spelling
Fuck off back to cunts corner. Cunt.
"Awful grammar and spelling"
Like yours, you fucking cabbage?
Rickie, you lost, so fuck off, there's a good boy.
As our battle correspondents report it was less than the 'mother of all battles' . Drawn out over a few months, it was a scrappy affair. Rickie employed guerilla tactics whilst the Trollwatch army and their allies were restrained and fought a brave battle according to the rules of the Geneva Convention.
The allied troops sustained no casualties during the battle. Rickie, however, met daily resistance and was wounded and battle fatigued as the weeks passed. Although there has been no formal declaration of surrender from the defeated Rickie, any futher attacks by him will prove fruitless and will be met with increasingly sustained bombardment. As was predicted in the early stages of the battle, (shortly after Rickie refused a truce) the allies were able to muster additional recruits and reinforcements as required.
All communication channels, including this one are being and will be monitored, for any future enemy activity.
End of report.
Told you he was a cunt
LOL @ dioclese still using his upton man account after being exposed,
fucking tool
No - you don't get the last word
Which bit of Dioclese / Upton Man on CC not genuine did you not understand. We know they were both you.
Fuck me Rickie are you still here?
Do you never fucking know when to quit?
Dichloraphenazone. Take it Richard. And I still know you.
Notice how he's back to just name calling, cos he is bang to rights.
Tiny cock.
Riddle me this
If it was him and he was exposed, why would he be using it?
Yoohoo. Ive gotta noo bike....you comin for a wide...?
You upset DS in May.....Silly....very silly.
You upset a lot of people. People who tried to help....Remember them? And then you blew it. An admission to them who you really were....you even posted that admission on THIS site also.
Silly....very silly... remember what you were told?
DS is like a dog with a bone.
Who's DS?
DS,you know Richard don't you, remember what we told you would happen.
Dark Spangle said...
Several people have tried to help believing you to be the innocent victim. That being the case makes you an even bigger cunt than they say. Remember, we are from other sites around the net. Yore name is now highly likely to feature in those sites.
19 May 2017 at 15:43
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