Thursday 23 February 2012

The Ideal Candidate?

There's fucking lucky for the Home Secretary - she won't have to bother with a lot of tedious recruitment hassle and interviews to replace the fucking useless and ugly Lin Homer at UKBA, she can just appoint the now-available fucking useless and ugly cunt Cynthia Bower, fresh from her success in not inspecting Care Homes and Hospitals.*

The Penguin

*aka Where they park old people so no one notices them being starved and poisoned.


  1. Cynthia and Lin are exactly what you get when you have the sort of woman-friendly recruitment policy that the civil service prefers.

  2. Does the recruitment and promotion process have a tick-box labelled "Pig Scarer?"

  3. Possibly, but I think the more apt tick-box is "Professional Incompetent committee/board member"

    They exist on the boards and committees all over the public sector and charitable agencies.

    Personally I hate them whenever I have to deal with them, because they very rarely have anything other than one agenda: how much can they fleece out of whichever organisation they chair/manage before their incompetence becomes a liability for said organisation and they have to leave.

  4. Theresa, Lin and Cynthia - all (in it) together girls?? Jolly hockey sticks.

  5. If the good Lord stuck your arse on your face, surely you deserve a good salary as compensation?
