Monday 27 February 2012

Cull A Hundred (To Improve Things)

Who would be in your list of one hundred people whose absence from existence would have made Britain a much better place this last 100 years or so?

I know it's a target-rich environment, but go on, have a go....

I'll have a think and see who I come up with myself.

The Penguin

UPDATE: I have thought, and I have looked at your suggestions - and depressingly, one hundred would barely scratch the surface. We'd need to cull tens of thousands of the cunts...


  1. Lady Virginia Droit de Seigneur27 February 2012 at 14:39

    Tony Blair
    Gordon Brown
    Ed Balls
    John Prescott
    Ken Livingstone
    Nick Clegg
    Katie Price
    David Beckham
    Prince Charles
    David Dickinson
    John Terry
    Andy Murray
    Anyone who's been on TOWIE
    Ken Clarke
    Jeffrey Archer
    The Chinese poof who tells women how to dress
    Trinny and Susannah
    Polly Toynbee
    Jackie Ashley
    Kevin "Toilets" Maguire
    Richard Desmond
    Lord Levy
    Zac Goldsmith
    Peter Mandelson
    Nat Rothschild
    Nick Griffin
    Tristram Hunt
    Abu Qatada
    Abu Hamza
    Chowdhury - you know the one I mean
    Yasmin Alibhai Brown
    Darcus Howe
    Lee Jasper
    Bob Crowe
    Len McCluskey
    Ali Dizaei
    Tariq Ghuffour
    Jeremy Kyle
    Robert Kilroy Silk
    Seamus Milne
    Marcus Brigstocke
    Wayne Rooney
    Alex Salmond
    Rowan Williams
    Richard Dawkins
    David Cameron
    John Bercow
    Sally Bercow
    Vanessa Feltz
    Trevor Phillips
    Gareth Pierce
    Charles Moore
    Max Hastings
    Tom Watson
    Sion Simon
    Sadiq Khan
    Ed Miliband
    George Osborne
    Gerry Adams
    Martin MacGuinness
    Ian Paisley
    Charlotte Church
    Kerry Katona
    James Corden
    Ricky Gervais
    Hugh Grant
    Emma Thompson
    JK Rowling
    Patrick Stewart
    Jodie the Student protester
    Charlie Gilmour
    Elton John
    Prince Edward
    Prince Andrew
    Pippa Middleton
    Martin Amis
    Steve Maclaren
    Tessa Jowell
    Harriet Harman
    Jack Dromey
    Edwina Currie
    Ann Widdecombe
    Mark Oaten
    Neil Kinnock
    Roy Hattersley
    Gordon Ramsay
    Aynsley Harriott
    Anthony Worrall Thompson
    Rio Ferdinand
    Ashley Cole
    Harry Redknapp
    Melanie Phillips

    Have I reached 100 yet?

  2. hahahah

    Don't disagree with any of your choices Lady Virginia. I think most people's problem will be limiting their lists to 100

  3. LVDdS, most of your choices would look good in a pit covered in lime, but can I buy David Dickinson from you cos he's all right. I'll give you a Natalie Cassidie for him.

  4. Keith Lemon, a peurile unfunny twat.

  5. You missed a few m'lady :

    Simon Cowell
    Stock Aitken Waterman
    Gary Lineker
    Camilla Parker Bowles
    Richard Madeley
    Judy Finnigan
    That woman that did the keep fit on GMTV (?)
    The bloke with the tache that does the Go Compare ad!!!!
    Whitney Houston
    Amy Winehouse (foreign but still 'over here')
    John Lyden
    Lesley Garrett
    Boris Johnson
    Victoria Beckham
    Fred Goodwin
    Boy George
    George Micheal
    Princess Eugenie
    Princess Beatrice
    Princess Ann
    Prince Andrew
    Ian Paisley
    Charlie State
    Joe Pascalli
    Rupert Murdoch
    Robert Maxwell
    Anyone who reads the Sun
    Anyone who reads the Daly Star
    John McCirrick
    Davina McCall
    Gloria Hunniford
    Bruce Forsyth
    Carol Vorderman
    Andrew Marr
    David Laws
    Fred West
    Rose West
    Myra Hindley
    Stuart Sutcliffe
    Raoul Moate
    Lenny Henry
    Sebastian Coe
    Chris Hoy
    Trisha Goddard
    Damn Kelly Holmes
    Jackie Collins
    Bryn Terfel
    Anyone who's Welsh
    Arthur Scargill
    Bob Crowe
    Edward Heath the traitor
    Edward Moseley the traitor
    The Archbishop of Canterbury (all of them!)
    Sharon Shoesmith
    Imam Mohammed Hanif Khan
    Anwar al-Awlaki
    Anwar Khan
    Lord Taylor of Warwick
    David Laws
    Eric Ilsley
    David Chaytor
    Thomas Hamilton
    Abu Rumaysah
    Aso Mohammed Ibrahim
    Franny Armstrong
    PC Mark Bohannan
    Harold Shipman
    Roy Whiting
    PC Phil Berry
    Asil Nadir
    DI Shakeel Ahmed
    PC Dustin Hunter
    Harriet Harman
    Katherine Rake
    Michael Ryan
    PC Peter Lightfoot
    Derrick Bird
    Leslie Strathie
    Jeremy Bamber
    Teresa Bystram
    Ian Huntley
    Trevor Brooks
    PC Simon Harwood
    Nick Griffin
    John Venables

    And I'm sure there's loads more. Sadly, I seem to have identified rather a lot of bent coppers!

  6. I need a new PC. This one can't type for toffee. The foreign comment was of course meant for Houston not Winehouse.

  7. No one's mentioned Yvette Cooper - near the top of my list.

  8. You can keep all your minor celebrities and sports persons -
    Just give me that grinning jackanapes and his ghastly wife.

  9. Amazed. No Shami Chakrabarti on the list.

  10. Can't fucking believe I missed Shami!...

  11. What - no one going for Richard Branson?

  12. Paul Daniels is an annoying little cunt too... get him on the list !
    Why is Cherie Blair not on the list for Christ's sakes - she is a fucking toilet !

  13. Richard Bacon of 5Dead. I could smash his face in for hours with a frozen joint of ham and then roast and eat the weapon afterwards, thus hiding away the evidence forever.

  14. One hundred is not enough !

  15. I had to deal with Charkrabarti, she is actually quite right wing. Did not want "direct action" on plod.

  16. Lady Virginia Droit de Seigneur29 February 2012 at 11:18

    Peaches Geldof
    Danielle Lloyd
    Kate Moss
    Naomi Campbell
    Jack the twat - Jade Goody's hubby
    Joey Barton
    Stephen Purcell
    Keith Vaz
    Cecil Parkinson
    Tony Benn
    Natasha Kaplinsky
    Derek Draper
    Damian McBride
    Vivien Westwood
    Matt Lucas
    Sharon Osbourne (but not Ozzy I like him)
    Pete Doherty
    Phil Woolas
    Stephen Byers
    Tony McNulty
    Lord Truscott
    Derry Irvine
    Francis Maude
    Chris Patton
    Mick Hucknall
    Chris Moyles
    Anyone in So Solid Crew
    Mike Hancock
    Simon Cowell
    Piers Morgan
    Neil Warnock
    Trisha Goddard
    Derek Hatton

  17. A hundred? You must be joking. Start with the entire Parliament, for a start
