Monday 20 September 2010

The System Is Fucked

Baby Peter's Social Worker Reported Him "Well" 4 Days Before His Death

There's no doubt about it, the system of civil justice in this country is completely fucked.

Otherwise how would it be possible for the social worker and her manager who allowed Peter Connolly to be tortured and murdered to be able to claim "wrongful dismissal" despite admitting to their "professional body" that they failed to ensure Peter was visited regularly enough, did not keeping adequate records and even lost contact with him for a time?

Mind you, that outstanding "professional body" which regulates Social Workers merely suspended them for a few weeks rather than striking them off.

And I suspect the pair will be getting legal aid to mount their claims.

So m'learned friends will be laughing all the way to the bank, the fucking cunts.

The Penguin

1 comment:

  1. The department got a very good rating because all the files were stored nicely. Of course they did not know who the files were referring to but they were stored nicely.
