Wednesday 22 September 2010

Pain Free Saving Of £8.8 Million A Year

Katharine Rake - Raking In £92,000 Plus Expenses For Being A Cunt

Michael Gove, you can save your department £8.8 million a year at a stroke. Disband the farcical Family and Parenting Institute.

It's doing fuck all except demand more money and making ludicrous suggestions.

Ask Eric Pickles if you need any help.

The Penguin


  1. Wow. Wayne Rooney can look quite attractive when he makes an effort.

  2. Looks like a rug muncher. Sheesh. Fell out the ugly tree and hit every branch on the way down

  3. The first lamp-post and wire bale on the left down Whitehall is still unclaimed....

  4. Willing to bet the usual pound to a pinch of chinese excretement that Gove will do precisiely fuck-all about Ms Rake or the FPI. In fact, he's probably about to release a statement about he she enjoys his "full confidence".

    What I want to know is what on earth she's going to do to earn a crust once she's lost her looks...

  5. She is upholding the ugliness of lefty women as befits an old labour crone.

  6. Katharine Rake is a cunt. Greedy bitch needs a good fuck from a big buck on benefits.

    Preferably by surprise.

    Stinking parasite obsessed with not having a cock. I hope she gets several - soon.

  7. Anonymous said ...

    "Katharine Rake is a cunt. Greedy bitch needs a good fuck from a big buck on benefits.

    Preferably by surprise.

    Stinking parasite obsessed with not having a cock. I hope she gets several - soon" ...

    22 September 2010 18:33

    Jesus, Mary & Hosepipe .. there's more chance of me being nominated as the next Poet Laureate than there is of her getting a good length of knob (other than the rubber sort) .. Lol

    Suppose she could always get another job as a professional Baby "scarer" ..

  8. Captain Haddock

    Harden up. Wouldn't you like to hatefuck her?

  9. Anonymous said ...

    "Captain Haddock

    Harden up. Wouldn't you like to hatefuck her" ?

    No way mate .. I've given the ferret a run in some ropey old tarts in my time ..

    But even I have some standards left (just) .. LOL
