Monday 21 June 2010

The Slotgob-Gate Whitewash

"Train Ticket? They're for little people! Don't you know who I am?"

Devout Catholic Mrs Tony Bliar, adding to her not inconsiderable wealth by working as a minor judge under her professional name of Cherie Slotgob QC, chose to exercise her discretion and let a self-confessed mass murderer walk free because he was “obviously a religious sort” who had once attended Sunday School as a child.

Luckily for her the Office of Judicial Coverups decided that this was not a serious matter, and that the ticket-cheating money-grubbing ugly old trout should be given a few quiet words of advice about PR by a more senior judge.“After all,” said a spokesweazel, “You have to get these things into proportion. It’s the same in the Law Enforcement Agency, as we now refer to the Police Service, where if you shoot a few innocent civilians you might get a Word of Advice.”

The Penguin


  1. Disgusting really but that old slapper is never going to get what she deserves because she'll always play the 'Mrs Blair card' when things look nasty.
    Don't you just love Labour - 'Socialism is for you little people - I'm here to fill me boots'.

  2. I'm with Biffo. Note how often money talks in Labours' legacy for themselves.

  3. Captain Haddock21 June 2010 at 11:36

    That thing ought to be wearing a fucking muzzle ..

    A dead cert for a 1st at Cruft's ...

  4. Have you seen the size of her hands in that photo........... that ain't no lady.

    ... it might be Chris Hune in a wig.

  5. Captain Haddock21 June 2010 at 17:43

    Billy Blofeld said...

    "Have you seen the size of her hands in that photo........... that ain't no lady".

    She needs hands like shovels Billy, for all the money-grubbing she does .. lest she might accidentally drop a penny, or two ..

  6. It IS Chris Huhne in a wig!

  7. Any photo of the Mersey Tunnel should only be used behind a disclaimer and health warning. My eyes!.

  8. Uncanny likeness....

    The Jokuuuur !
