Tuesday 22 June 2010

Principles Abandoned - You Should Know, Harriet!

"You Know Where To Find Me - Leaving The Scene Of A Crime!"

Bit fucking rich for champagne socialist Harriet "Feminazi" Harperson to attack the Limp Dumbs for abandoning their principles in favour of sharing power in a coalition government.

Although, she may have a point.

After all, she's a world class hypocrite who shamelessly abandons any principle if it suits her. Such as selective education for her own children while consigning ordinary people's children to a lottery of state education where things are so dire that Tesco have to teach job candidates to read and write and do basic sums. Such as insisting on all women short-lists except when it comes to choosing her husband a safe seat and a ticket to the gravy train.

I could find other examples, but frankly I can't be arsed, as I'm laughing too much at the way the Cheese Eating Surrender Monkeys have fucked up their World Cup.

The Penguin


  1. Captain Haddock22 June 2010 at 18:09

    There is no circumstance, happenstance, situation, occurrence, misfortune or accident too dire to wish would happen to this hateful & totally wasted bundle of human DNA ..

    Bring it on ...

  2. Captain - not even convinced she's human you know...

    What depresses me is that no fewer than 27,619 people were sufficiently enamoured of this unlovely piece of work as to put an "X" next to her name on the ballot paper in May.

  3. Captain Haddock22 June 2010 at 19:35

    Indeed Caratacus ..

    Its only when one sees those figures starkly laid out, that one really begins to appreciate the true scale of idiocy in this country ..

  4. I'd like to watch 27,619 big bucks bukkake that wretched face to death. Drown in immigrant sperm you witch.

    Those feckless wasters in Peckham will soon be saying 'where be mah beneizz?' and setting the place alight.

    Good thing too.

  5. She had a point, (and she'd know from experience), that the Liberal Democraticals HAVE sold out in exchange for getting their sweaty arses on the squeaky leather of the posh Limos.
    Early days in a fraught marriage. Much to happen between the sheets.

  6. I'm so sorry Anonymous - didn't catch a word of that old son. My fault entirely.

  7. When they had their last deputy leader election, I actually said "Please God - anyone but that cunt Harriet Harman!"

    And who did they elect?...

    She's the proof of the rule that you can't educate pork, the two faced troughing bitch. I can't remember the last time I heard someone talk so much bollocks in the house of commons - and that's saying something!!

    Someone should stick a vuvuzela up her arse - preferably the wrong way round.

  8. Captain Haddock23 June 2010 at 09:02

    Dioclese said...

    ... "Someone should stick a vuvuzela up her arse - preferably the wrong way round"..

    Hang on a mo, old bean .. I'm sure she'd only writhe herself to orgasm on the damned thing .. and don't these troughing cretins get enough in the way of perks already ??

    If your express desire is to insert something into one of her bodily orifices .. might I suggest a 9mm Self-loading pistol, with a magazine of 12 rounds .. into one of her ears ?

  9. What complete and absolute dribble she went on about...completely in a socialist dream world.
    Wonder if she has ever been to Peckham (I have once!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!).
    What I love about Labour voters is that if you told them the candidate came from a professional middle class family, her aunt is a countess, her cousins are tilted, went to a public school and then university, they would not vote for them.
    Now give that candidate a party, Labour, and the cretins will vote for them....27,619 who thinks they have an MP who is there to look after their needs. Wrong....you voted for someone who treats you with utter contempt, fill you with socialist propaganda, because they are so useless they could never get a proper job, they just need to find 27,619 idiots who will get them on the gravy train

  10. I hope you aren't going to accuse her of nepotism when her husband Jack was selected for what was to have been an all woman short list. She wasn't actually at the final selection meeting. If she had have been I'm sure she wouldn't have allowed Jack to be selected. Would she? And it would have been embarrasing for Jack to know that he is only an MP because of his wife's influence. Imagine owing the missus like that? Wouldn't be nice would it?

  11. You mean a bit like Dick the S&M Gay Porn King owed his job to Fat Jacky? Nah, wouldn't be nice.

  12. I volunteer my vuvuzela for sticking in either of her lower orifices.

    She is sooo sexy.

    (my guide dog thinks so too, and would like sloppy seconds)
