"You Know Who I Am!" "Yes, You Are A Cunt!"Sadly she may not have to appear in person, but it is still quite gratifying the the ex-Solicitor General is in court over her motoring offences. However, why was the cunt not also charged with failing to stop and provide her insurance details as required by law? You or I would be charged, you can bet your last dollar on that, as it is an easy win for the CPS and more money for the treasury.
So why not charge the Harridan with that one?Do you suppose it's because it's the one charge she could not plead "not guilty" to and therefore not get off on the benefit of the doubt and previous good character (!) malarkey? Fucking cynical old Penguin, eh?
Still, she's bang to rights in her very own Court of Public Opinion, and it seems she's none too popular with either Gordoom's cronies or his enemies for encouraging TCH and Hewitt and then evaporating once she smelled which way the winds were blowing.
The Penguin