Saturday 17 September 2011

Small Wonder That Plod Have Lost The Respect Of Joe Public

Surprise, surprise, despite a torrent of criticism from the inquest and even from the normally supine Independent Police Complaints Commission, no disciplinary action will be taken against any of the useless plods who so badly failed in their duty to protect the victims of yob abuse.

Oddly enough, none of the yobs have ever been prosecuted.

High time for locally elected police chiefs who have the clout to kick arse and get the complacent arse-covering police establishment to do the job they are over-paid for but not actually doing.

What's the betting that if the victims had been Ethnic then the police and the local council would have acted very differently?

The Penguin


  1. "What's the betting that if the victims had been Ethnic then the police and the local council would have acted very differently?"

    Hit it in one, Mr Penguin.

  2. ACPO acting beyond the law17 September 2011 at 19:45

    The most telling line in the linked Mail article is this; "The force’s deputy chief constable, David Evans, said the misconduct hearings concluded that the mistakes made in the case were ‘of an organisational nature due to the systems and processes in place at the time not enabling officers to provide the most effective service’.

    This poor woman contacted the police 33 times. The chief constable is a bigger guttersnipe than any of the vicious little yobs involved.
