Saturday 3 September 2011

Poor Old Cherie Loses Appeal

No, not that sort of appeal, she's about as attractive as a particularly ugly bulldog chewing a wasp - but the Court of Appeal have given her a right slapping for letting a bloke caught with serious amounts of cocaine off with a suspended sentence, and have instead decided to bang him up for three and a half years.

Cherie's problem is that she's so used to getting away with all sorts of dodgy stuff herself that she is a soft touch when it comes to punishing other people. Not exactly what you want in a judge sitting in our laughable criminal justice system, is it?

Perhaps Ken Clarke could put her out of our misery?

The Penguin


  1. " ..... she's about as attractive as a particularly ugly bulldog chewing a wasp .... "

    She always put me in mind of a wasp trying to give a bulldog a gobble ..

  2. sixtypoundsaweekcleaner3 September 2011 at 16:52

    Pucker up.

  3. Ranter,

    I can't believe you managed to post on that whore without swearing.

    You haven't gone gay, have you?

  4. Always struck me as a mediocre but well connected lawyer, so if she's not that flash as a judge either it wouldn't surprise me.

  5. @ AE ..

    "Always struck me as a mediocre but well connected lawyer, so if she's not that flash as a judge either it wouldn't surprise me" ...

    She and the mendacious shit whom she married were law students together, their tutor being none other than the future Lord Derry "wallpaper" Irvine ..remember him & the reward he got ? ..

    Apparently, she was the brighter of the two pupils .. So "Teflon" Tone went into politics ..

    @ sixtypoundsaweekcleaner ...

    "Pucker up" ...

    Indeed .. as someone once said .. "You can put lipstick on a pig .. but its still a pig" ..

  6. When will her husband be sent to The Hague for trial? I see Gadaffi was very useful to the previous lot.

  7. "Perhaps Ken Clarke could put her out of our misery"

    I wouldn't want to bet on it!

  8. Have some compassion - she's a slot gob, married to a mass-murderer/culture-wrecker and the daughter of an unfunny left wing actor bloke.

    Oh fuck it, put the boot in!

  9. She's a thoroughly nasty, grasping, pernicious bitch .. with an overwhelming ego, matched only by her sense of entitlement & self-importance ..

    When we get round to stringing up Blair .. she should be right up there alongside him ..

  10. You can’t blame the ugly old witch, it’s not like she can send captain Toni down to the local to score.

  11. A great picture that manages to make old slotgob look even less attractive than usual. Well done, penguin.
