Tuesday 7 December 2010

More Hypocrisy From Polly Twaddle

Tuscan Villa Owned Through A Front Company, Anyone?

Just how on earth can anyone take that silly hypocritical twat Polly Toynbee seriously? Now the cunt is banging on about tax avoidance - conveniently forgetting how she and her unspeakable husband have carefully contrived their affairs so as to avoid paying as much tax as possible.

She and her fellow champagne socialists at the Grauniad and the BBC should be hung drawn and quartered in the good old traditional way as a warning to other traitors, and their goods and chattels and estates forfeit to the crown - could pay for quite a few front line services all told.

The Penguin


  1. She is only going to get worse as she enters those critical years of homone change!

  2. lex, you been away for a few years? This hypocritical cow has been menopausal and hormone free for at least 20 years!

  3. I see that 2 of the most recent comments to her article mention the Grauniads own tax avoidance scheme, and Guido has a post up about it.

    Oh, and she's an UGLY cow.....

  4. Good post! I agree totally. She's an awful, awful woman.

  5. What a complete waste of a Fanny ..

  6. Lady Virginia Droit de Seigneur8 December 2010 at 14:07

    I should think her fanny has got teeth

  7. It would need them to keep up with her arsehole .. which she spends so much time talking out of ..

  8. yes, Polly is one hypocritical twat.

    her designs to pay less tax are not disimilar to many though. what troubles me is the clamour from bloggers that to avoid tax is acceptable but to receive benefits is tantamount to nazism ....

  9. As someone who has in their almost 60 years led a very honest and kind to others existence, I am sickened by what I read of the P. Toynbee and her husband. Dismays me how these people can be so bent and twisted and downright evil. If they did bother to look at themselves in the mirror it would shatter into a 1000 pieces.
