Thursday 16 December 2010

Human Rights? Taking The Piss, More Like!!!

All human rights are equal, but some human rights are more equal than others?

How on earth is it any sort of justice or in any way at all fair that a failed asylum seeker with a string of criminal convictions who killed a little girl in a hit and run accident whilst banned from driving gets just 2 fucking months in jail followed by a lengthy legal farce at tax payers' expense resulting in him being allowed to stay in the UK because he's banged two kids out of some slapper?

Is it because he's a follower of the Child Molester's religion of peace and suicide bombers?

The Penguin


  1. To borrow one of GOT's sayings, 'This made my piss boil.'

  2. Strikes me that all you have to do to set yourself up for life in this country is to produce a couple of kids...

    "Off with their ghoulies!" I say.

  3. Think of the cheeeldren!

  4. It makes you wonder what sort of planet these idiot judges live on. How can they have more compassion for the piece of scum than the family of the victim?

  5. What particularly fucked me off about this was that the piece of shit used Article 8, the right to a family life, as its basis for being allowed to stay. If we deported the cunt it would still be able to have that. It's just that its wife and by-blows would have to join it back in Durka-Durkastan.

    Fuck off out of my country you murdering piece of shit.

  6. Not only shit has a terrible stench.


  8. Well, UK 'justice' fails agin so we must kill this fucker dead ourselves. No ifs no buts, have this cunt executed. If I were the Father, my life's work would now be to slaughter this pointless, slimy alien bastard.

  9. And thinking of Gotty - shit like this is undoubtedly why he's had to hang his keyboard up for a while (hopefully not permanently). There's only so much you can take.

  10. Words fail me. Get this shit off my PC screen.

  11. Now this 'asylum seeker' has permission to stay, perhaps he should be appointed to the job of bodyguard to Julian Assange.
    A job with as limited a future as Assange himself.

  12. Assange will be fine. Looked after by the mega-wealthy and an asset of the CIA. Its all just a misinformation campaign. Where's the meat on 911? Strange that, eh?
