Friday 10 December 2010

How Fucking Stupid Is The Criminal Justice System?

The astonishing fuck-wittery that is the so-called Criminal Justice System continues to astonish and astound with seeming un-ending examples of being beyond parody.

They have just wasted thousands of pounds giving some lad a criminal record for borrowing his mate's gym membership for an hour. The fucking gymnasium didn't lose a fucking brass fucking farthing, they'd already got their fucking money from his mate's membership, so what the fuckety-fuck loss have they suffered? Cunts!! And the what a fucking waste of Plod's time. Still, apart from the hassle of having to leave the warmth and comfort of the Police Station, a nice easy collar and result, and saved them having to do anything fucking useful or productive in preventing crime or dealing with anti-social behaviour. Much easier.

Then there's the complete cluster-fuck that is the CPS. Sooner this lot of incompetent twats are sacked the better.

Finally there's the fucking tossers running the courts. Why the fuck did they not just say "This is bollocks, go home son!"? Because they are cunts.

The Penguin


  1. "How Fucking Stupid Is The Criminal Justice System"?

    How long have you got RP ?????

  2. This case sets a nice precedent for all those troughing MPs also about to be convicted of 'dishonesty charges'.

  3. Is this case what they mean when they talk about "Identity Theft" ?

    MP's should also be prosecuted under the Trade Descriptions Act .. as they claim to be in Parliament so as to work on behalf of their constituents ..

    But in reality are there only to feather their own nests ..

  4. Seems he got off lightly, no mention of the £15.00 Victim Surcharge for this cheating little shit.

  5. Looks like an episode the Brittas Empire to me.

    As somebody in the Daily Mail linked article commented - this is actually a CIVIL case and the dimwit gits at CPS deserve a caning...

  6. Fucking stupid. I have an injunction out on me (as a result of outing a nasty sex abusing top acupuncturist with more influence than I) which prevents me from communicating with my beloved wife, and her from practising her profession.

    Needless to say, we are ignoring it.

    Judge's name

    Judge "Cunt" Compston of Oxford County Court. Google his name, and you will find that as har as he is concerned, sex abusers, even when they have abused 9 year old kids, should be treated like shoplifters and let off.

    Judge Cunt is a committed Christian. If you know any legal eagles who fancy a bit of pro bono, do leave a comment.
