Saturday 13 November 2010

Shock Horror - Television Is A Visual Medium!

A Senior Executive From The BBC Taking A Rest

The tribunal also heard senior radio producer Lucy Cunt describe Miss O’Reilly as a ‘little black dress presenter’ and claim the show needed more of a ‘red carpet frock’ presenter.

Miss Cunt was called up because Miss O’Reilly claimed she had expressed her ‘shame’ at working for the BBC after some ugly old female presenters were dropped from Cuntryfile.

Giving evidence yesterday she said: ‘My experience of Miriam is that she is a fantastic reporter, she is a safe pair of hands, she can walk and talk, she can do it.

‘But she is a little black dress presenter: you can use her, you are safe with her, she can deliver, it will be fine.

‘Prime time is about red carpet frocks, it’s about people who can really punch through the content with the audience in a very special way There's enough ugly farm animals in the programme without the presenters looking like pigs with lipstick.’

Miss Cunt said before discussing the issue with Mr Thorman she had genuine sympathy with Miss O’Reilly.

She added: ‘I said to Miriam that if she and Charlotte were being removed because of age I was ashamed of working for the corporation.

‘However, after talking to Andrew being told to toe the line or clear my desk and thus gaining a clear understanding of the background, I accept that this was not the case. It was because they wanted prettier women.’

The tribunal continues to waste public money and make m'learned friends rich on Monday.

The Penguin

1 comment:

  1. Television is a Visual Medium ,So is life, my wife looked ok at one time . lol
