Monday 15 November 2010

Sack The Fucking Lot Of Them!

"Because I'm Worth It!"

Why on earth are we as taxpayers being forced to pay huge bonuses to the tossers supposedly in charge of the grossly inefficient and under-performing box-ticking target chasing form-fillers in uniform formerly known as the Police Force?

Like £33,000 for that stupid bitch whose officers couldn't find Raoul Moat but who could call the teenage victim killed by a police driver a scumbag and get a fucking PR award for it. Un-fucking believable.

Then there's the scam of the limited company known as ACPO.

And yet again following an inicident involving a so-called "Safety Camera" I get spam mail from a company trying to sell me illegal laser equipment supposed to negate the ability of the "Safety Camera" to identify my vehicle. Over the last 6 years that's four tickets and four junk mails. Co-incidence?

The Penguin


  1. There was no call for posting that photograph RP ... bang out of order.

    I'm still picking the half digested carrots out of my keyboard.

  2. There have been a couple of prosecutions recently for using those lazer jammers.

  3. Northumbria Police seem to inadvertently hit on a winner of a crime prevention photograph ..

    Their Chief Constable ..

    "Stay on the straight & narrow .. or we'll set her on you" ..

    Don't know about you .. but she scares the living shit out of me ..

  4. Performance related pay / bonus's for police chiefs? No conflict of interest there then.

    Do we know how the KPIs are measured?

    Does the Chief of the area with zero crime get more than the chief with the most arrests or is it the highest strike rate? Any doubt of conviction get the charges dropped or even don't pursue conviction in the first place. Is it judged on revenue creation?

    Pay related to targets is an obscenity and open to abuse.

  5. Fuck of Haddock, she needs a good strong cock up her sadly she wont get it in England your all to busy sucking each others, bunch of fucking shirt lifting poofs.

    Yours sincerely Cousin Angus McSporran of McSporran.

  6. " Over the last 6 years that's four tickets and four junk mails. Co-incidence? "

    Bollocks it is ... when I started 'commenting heavily' on several blogs, using vitriolic language re the UK \ EU \ US 'powers that be', not only did I start having significant PC problems, but even my mobile and those I had been sending "nuggets" to, mentioned that they also been recently experiencing a lot of Internet problems ...

    Co-incidence my fucking arse ...

  7. Ahhh Angus ..

    You remind me yet again why Culloden & its aftermath was so necessary and so right ...

    Is it not time for you to be filling yet another claim form for English financial aid ???

  8. re your spam mail, four days after I declined to renew my RAC membership (by 'phone) I got my second ever spam text ad, from the AA!

  9. Weren't that force also not trained in using the taser that they used and nobody said anything about it?
