Thursday 6 May 2010

Going For The Sympathy Vote?

"Poor Old Goebbels Had No Balls At All!"

The lengths that unscrupulous politicians will go to to garner your vote reaches unprecedented degrees as Nigel "One Bollock Is All I Need" Farage goes for the sympathy vote in his attempt to unseat the Little Squeaker.

Shame he couldn't actually get the 'plane to land on top of Bercow...
The Penguin


  1. I wouldn't piss on Bercow or Farage if they were both on fire. What a fucking choice for the people of Little Shittingham or wherever the fuck it is they're standing. Pity the fucking plane didn't erupt into a fireball and take out the whole constituency, they'll all be fucking tory cunts anyhow, no great loss.

  2. Blind Pugh, perfect handle for a bigot!

  3. Shouldn't that be Blind Spew?

  4. I often worry about the Blind Pugh character in Treasure Island and his fear of being passed the "black spot". If he was blind, how the fuck would he know he'd been passed a spot, let alone what colour it was?

    But then, I am also worried about the sense of "Good" King Wenceslas, who on hearing that the old fellow gathering firewood was from 3 leagues hence next to the forest fence, should have called for a crossbow and shot him as a spy. Who else would creep around under the castle walls to get firewood if he lived next to a forest?

  5. Ho Blind bastard and Feathered Fuckwit, you are a pair of cunts. Do your mouths bleed every 28 days? I hope you both get MRSA and die in fucking agony you pair of no good slime bags. Just because your parents were syblings doesn't mean you need to be such vile smelly bastards, now fuck the fuckety fuck of cunt faces

  6. Little Hamish the anonymong is such a darling pet, don't you think?

  7. Re Good King Wenceslas, I recommend "Crisp and Even Brightly", a play broadcast on Radio 4 in the 80s. It is available on the internet.
