Monday 28 September 2009

Our Police Farce, The Envy Of The World?

You can't avoid it. Our Police Farce have become a sad twisted joke.

One idiot plod who lost control of his van at 77 mph in a 40 mph area and killed a young woman is bang to rights but is pleading not guilty.

Sergeant Delroy Smellie (you couldn't make it up!) has been charged with assault - despite trying to hide his identity by having duct tape over his numerals, for which apparently he won't be reprimanded since it was so common - luckily the many photographers around were ignoring the law on not taking pictures of police brutality. No one has yet been charged for the murder of Ian Tomlinson.

Other protesters are being charged with impersonating police officers, despite the fact they were semi-naked. Wonderful use of the justice system!

Officially, according to some senior tosser from Leicestershire's Police Farce they are not interested in dealing with hooligans, even if they do drive a woman to kill herself and her daughter.

And to top it all off, they regard the Human Rights Act with such reverence that they can't allow a burglar's port wine birth mark to be seen in an identity parade.

I can't be arsed providing all the links - they are all current news stories. I'm sure I could find more if I tried.

Then they'll whinge about the public not respecting or supporting them.

The Penguin


  1. Yes, they're doing a great job...

    Smellie - the best surname I have ever seen.

  2. At least he wasn't Manky Smellie

    maybe he is

  3. "Smellie - the best surname I have ever seen."

    We used to have a Chief Public Health Inspector by the name of J.H. Smellie. His name adorned the side of every dustcart in the city. Mind you in those days the dustmen used to come round the back of our house and pick up a heavy bin, and return it emptied. Now the lazy fuckers leave the wheely bins blocking the pavement. Thanks, Veolia.....

  4. and another

  5. Elected sheriffs needed

  6. I salute the police,
    wonderful job boys!

  7. "despite trying to hide his identity by having duct tape over his numerals, for which apparently he won't be reprimanded since it was so common " WTF Why not ?

    Burglary and rape are pretty common too, are they going to ignore those also for the same reason. Gang Of Cunts.
