Tuesday 8 September 2009

China Leads Way In Deterring Shoplifting!

None of the silly little fines or cautions for the world's (so-called) oldest civilisation, more like a bit of direct action.

Not only would this have a wonderful effect on retail profits in Oxford Street, it would have queues forming for every shop assistant vacancy. It would probably see a lot of fucking Romanians fucking off back to Romania, so looks like a winner all round.

The Penguin


  1. Way to go - once they have proven he/she is a shoplifter.

  2. Which could lead to false accusations. If you ever wanted to get your own back on the school bully....

  3. looters will be bombed9 September 2009 at 00:07

    The Americans are much more direct. Two 500 pounders on top of the thieving petrol stealers in Afghanistanland.

  4. You would need a lot of shop assistants to deal with the run of the mill Romanian distraction thieves. They roam in packs.

  5. Keep"hoisting2 British I say.
    Start GCSE's in shoplifting and inner city academies.
    British prisons for the British
    You know it makes sense
