Wednesday 29 July 2009

The Ultimate Snap?

Story Here

The Penguin


  1. Could we no feed the entire contents of the House of Cunts and the House of Lords to the fucking thing, that would satisfy its appetite. A few mouthfuls of McBroon and the Cameroon and the Kunting Kinnocks should keep it quiet for a bit. And forbye, feed it thon fat cunt that you were on about earlier, the candidate for bio-diesel that canna stop eating, the greedy cunt, sounds like Hazel Blears's minge.

  2. Better luck next time Mr Croc. Thats what happens when none to bright tourists get to damn close to wild animals.

  3. I bet they had to hose that boat down afterwards.

  4. When they get that close, you can see who it was they last ate.

  5. When you can't shag it you fight it one presumes. Or was he telling her come on in the water's lovely?
