Friday 12 June 2009

The Truth That Is Taboo?

Why is it that there is no mention by the mainstream media or mainstream politicians of the uncomfortable but indisputable fact that vast majority of violent crime amongst young adults is committed by blacks?

The report of the murder of Ben Kinsella in the Independent for example, doesn't mention it at all, and as it provides no photographs of the murderers, there's only the names as a clue.

This is far from an isolated occurence, and sadly far from an isolated crime. Not just stabbings either, most reports of shootings involve black youths.

Not all, I know, but a very large majority - and don't even think of calling me a racist, it's not a term I believe is relevant since we are all one human race!

Is the piss poor response to all these stabbings and shootings by Inspector Knacker down to a lack of real care because so many of the victims are also black?

Without an open and honest debate it is likely that things will continue to get worse, not better.

The Penguin


  1. Sorry Penguin, but you're missing the point.

    The real unspoken truth about all this is why do the media automatically jump into 'racist' hysteria mode when the perpertrators are white and yet there's not even a hint of a suggestion that this lad was targetted because he was white.

    I agree that certain Righteous media outlets are engaged in what can only be described as a 'cover-up' operation - for example, when there are both black and white criminals involved in a crime, Pravda will quite often only provide a description of the white assailants. And, as you have yourself seen, if its only blacks then they will more often than not just describe them as 3 males.

    Its a disgrace which needs to be more widely exposed and at present there's only really one group who are working to expose this hypocrisy - and you know who they are, don't you ?

  2. I don't care, I call a "spade" a "spade". Would be interesting to know the proportion of crimes and what crimes are carried out by what ethnic groups and the proportion of immigrants in prison.

    The problem of not being able to discuss this in a civilised manner is making things worse and is almost certainly attributable to the rise in membership of the BNP.

  3. "Would be interesting to know the proportion of crimes and what crimes are carried out by what ethnic groups and the proportion of immigrants in prison."


  4. I guessed from the term 'disrespecting' and one or two of the names that the perps would be black. And then I saw the pictures. They are as ugly in the flesh as was their deed killing that lone young man. I think it just might be a racist murder. But of course it only works the other way round in this topsy turvey country. Apparently the van was bugged and they were recorded revelling in killing the boy. BASTARDS!

  5. They had the white guys face accused of the Stephen Lawrence murder all over the papers and telly.

    I didnt realise the Kinsella killers were black until I saw their mugshots. At the moment, they are probably scared that this type of reporting will benefit the BNP so they are playing it down.

    I can't think of why else they would not show their pics.

  6. Is it beacause I is black? As in chalk board, its very dark grey and white. One of the problems that wanna be Oscar Wilde Stephen Fry has he is writing the screenplay for "Dambusters 2". Dambusters was OK and I think it won't be beaten by this arsehole's writing. Now Guy Gibson had a dog which he was very fond of and it got run over and killed so the mission was named after the dog. The problem oooh luvvy has the dog was called Nigger. Now this is an historical fact the mutt wasn't called Nigel, Browny, Nogin or Sooty (try that these days Harry Corbett) but Nigger. Going to be interesting to see what he comes up with.

  7. A few years ago one of the top cops in the Met said most street crime was csrried out by unemployed young black men. This a fact not an assertion or opinion but a fact as in "No shit Sherlock". I remember the absolute crap in the papers saying he was racist and bigoted. Bad enough when you say things that are untrue but to get all this crap for telling the truth is ludicrous.

  8. BBC are reporting it with their pics below

  9. It used to be fine when we just called them niggers, wops, spics, half-castes, jerries, etc. Hope I have upset loads of hypocrites. I blame it all on Harold Wilson and Nelson M !

  10. If you come to Spain and want to buy something black, you have to use the word "negro"....

  11. Re the Dambusters remake. I think the dog is going to be called Niggsy by Stephen Fry. Cop out, but that was then, this is now and he is a lefty luvvie.

  12. Niggsy well I suggest you put a rev counter on the grave of Guy Gibson. Look well don't you think all those Lancaster bomber crews being briefed being told they are risking their lives on a mission called Niggsy. What are we coming to when historical facts are being altered because the likes of trougher (first class) Diane Abbott and the rest doesn't like it?

  13. lol@Sue - I must go to Spain. Sounds great!

  14. Nearly Headless Nick12 June 2009 at 15:45

    Stephen Fry is a luvvie poofter. Who cares WHAT he does?

  15. Stephen Fry is a luvvie poofter. Who cares WHAT he does?" In his own time in his own house no one I should think but I for one do care about him rewriting history. To be PC he can go and fuck himself or with the amount of money he screws the BBC for he can pay someone to do it.
