Wednesday 10 June 2009

So Much For Transparency!

Would You Trust This Cunt?

Gordon Jonah McBroon promised a new era of honesty and transparency in a pathetic attempt to allay public outrage over MP's expenses and allowances.

So why is he refusing to publish the whitewash into Shahid Mailk's sleazy arrangements?

Nothing to hide, nothing to fear?

The Penguin


  1. The only way this bunch of wanking fuckwits will ever be transparent is if we flay the skin off their thieving backs and stretch it very very very thinly over their gaping mouths and watch them suffocate. Arrogant, patronising cunts the lot of them.

  2. Perhaps one reason is he a Muslim the fact the fucker wants Muslim flag flying over westmonster (see you tube) is irellevant McBroon needs all the votes he can get next time round.

  3. Not only is Shahid Malik thick as two short planks - he's a rabid racist, inshallah (c) Youtube....

    Not only though is he reinstated... he's straight into a job, as get this, community secretary...

    The stench of fetid decay in the labout party is fucking overpowering...

  4. Malik and his ilk are extremely dangerous.

    ....and people wonder why some others voted for the BNP?
