Thursday 11 June 2009

A Lovely Song For A Summer Day.

A commentary by Gordon Brown

Gordon's got his hat on...

Gordon's got his hat on...

The joy (1) bells are ringing, The songs birds are singing (2), And ev'ryone's happy and gay (3). Dull days are over, We'll soon be in clover (4), So pack all your troubles away(5).

The sun has got his hat on (6) Hip-hip-hip (7) -hooray! The sun has got his hat on (8) And he's coming out today.

Now we'll all be happy (9) Hip-hip-hip-hooray! The sun has got his hat on
And he's coming out today (10).

He's been roastin' peanuts out in Timbuctoo (11), Now he's coming back to do the same for you. So jump into your
sunbath (12) Hip-hip-hip-hooray! The sun has got his hat on, And he's coming out today.

Never saw the grass so green Never saw the sky so blue (13) What a lot of fun for ev'ryone, Sitting in the sun all day.

All the little boys excited, All the little girls
delighted (14)What a lot of fun for ev'ryone, Sitting in the sun all day.

All the little birds are singing All the little gnats are stinging (15) All the little bees in twos and threes Buzzing in the sun all day. (16)

Now we'll all be happy (17) Hip-hip-hip-hooray! The sun has got his hat on And he's coming out today (18)


(1) This is who I am. Had I been born a girl, I would have wished my parents had called me Joy. And rightly so.

(2) These songbirds have every right to sing. And I will always be there to defend their right to sing and to sing along with them. This is who I am. If I did not think I was the right person to be singing, I would not be singing now. But those of them who choose to sing from a different songsheet must expect no mercy.

(3) We also have many very able women represented in the Cabinet, from time to time.

(4) I have never forgotten my father telling me to eat up my clover. He was strong in his belief that clover is and remains a most nutritious food. It may lack the passing glamour of smoked salmon or the easy popularity of corn flakes, but that is what it is.

(5) I should remind you that all our present troubles have been created by an international downturn beyond our control. I am determined to pack them away.

(6) The sun may or may not be under surveillance. That is a matter for the security services. But an innocent planet, going about its daily routine, should have nothing to hide.

(7) Hip replacements have gone up by up to 73 per cent since Labour has been in office.

8) This is a fact worth repeating.

(9) And those who persistently refuse to be happy will have to answer for it.

(10) I cannot say this often enough.

(11) I remain in close touch with the President of Timbuctoo, who is a good friend. He is in full agreement with me that these are global problems requiring global solutions, best dealt with by someone with real experience.

(12) Focus. Energy. Determination. I believe that I have the right qualities to help the British people to leap into that sunbath.

(13) Yet more evidence of the very real progress we have made, and continue to make.

(14) Look, thanks to measures we have taken over this past year, all the little boys and girls continue to be both excited and delighted. This is my purpose. This is who I am.

(15) It is well known that under a Conservative government gnat stings would rise by up to anything up to 78 per cent. And it is no secret that many of these gnats have been lined up for key positions in a Conservative cabinet.

(16) I am going to be totally candid. These bees make a great team. They are all behind me.

(17) And those who refuse to be happy will be made to be happy.

(18) If he does indeed come out today, it will be thanks in large measure to the firm policies we have put in place. And if he does not come out today, it will be due to international conditions way beyond our control. "

CRAIG BROWN in the Daily Mail

The Penguin

1 comment:

  1. 11) The original words in the show were
    "He's been toasting niggers" and was changed to "roasting peanuts" to appease the PC brigade.
    I know this to be true as I have an original score.
